Chapter 60

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"You've been really tense lately, Bren. Are you sure you're doing alright?" I tried my best to relax my shoulders, so Sarah would get off my case, but that didn't work out too well.

"Work. Killian is beginning to hand over the business to me this week and I don't know if I'm ready for it." Sarah nodded and continued to rub my shoulders.

"I think that you're more than ready for the job. In fact, you're most definitely the shining star in the office." I chuckled at her words. If only she knew that this whole thing was a lie.

I wasn't nervous about the company being handed over to me. It was the whole Ralph thing. Even when he's dead, he manages to fuck everything up.

"How would you know if I was a shining star in the office ." I chuckled at her words. If only she knew that this whole thing was a lie.

I wasn't nervous about the company being handed over to me. It was the whole Ralph thing. Even when he's dead, he manages to fuck everything up.

"How would you know if I was a shining star in the office? You haven't even seen me in work mode at all." Sarah shrugged, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Alright, you got me. Maybe that's just how I picture you." I bit my lip. I'm glad she thinks about me. I mean, she probably doesn't think about me too much, but I think about her twenty-four seven.

"I have to get going, Brendon. We're still on for tonight, right?" I nodded, placing a kiss on her plump lips. "Of course. I'll see you later, baby."

When Sarah left, I was all alone. Not that it was a bad thing, but the whole going crazy thing was starting to become a problem.

Every night, the voices would whisper something about my kills and I would do my best to block them out. Hell, I remember waking up with a knife in my hand the other day.

If I were to tell anyone about this, they would freak out. I'm insane.

(Sarah's POV)

As I walked out of Brendon's house, I thought about how he was acting. There was no way that his work was stressing him out this much. I've never seen him stress about work at all.

I would normally just shake this off, but I just couldn't find myself to do so. He had to be hiding something and I was going to figure out what it was.

Today, I didn't have to go to work, so I planned to call up Dallon. It wasn't the best idea to go behind Brendon's back, but if he wasn't going to tell the truth, then I was going to do my best to find the truth.

I waited as the phone began to ring. I needed him to pick up. "Hello? May I ask who is calling?" I smiled, unlocking my front door.

"Hey, Dallon. It's Sarah." There was some shuffling coming from the other side of the phone. "Oh, hey. What's up?"

"Brendon's been acting weird lately, Dal. Well, just today actually. He was extremely tense and told me it was from all the work stress, yet I haven't seen him stress about work at all."

Dallon sighed. "Don't you think you might be overthinking this all? I mean, yes, Brendon never stresses out, but taking hold of a large company is a lot of stress."

My shoulders slumped. "Trust me, I know that. It's just that I think he's hiding something from me." The other side of the line went quiet.

"Oh...I'm breaking...up. Talk to you later. Bye." He hung up the phone, leaving me with no answers. He was in on whatever was going on with Brendon.

I'll find out later on tonight, then. If not, then all my trust for Brendon will be out the door.

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