Chapter 67

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I laid Sarah down in her bed, looking at how peaceful she looked. I knew now that I couldn't stay here in this town. Before I know it, she'll go straight to the police and rat me out.

I need to get Dallon to clear my charges, if that happens. Sighing, I closed her bedroom door behind me and began to make my way out of her house.

I could move just a couple towns over and start a new life. I mean, that would make sense. Winter is coming soon, so majority of the houses would be on the market now.

I'll have to call a realtor in the morning. I took one last look around Sarah's house, then left. I was surprised when I didn't feel that pain in my chest.

Maybe we weren't meant to be. Not to mention, she couldn't even accept the real me. I bit my lip and kept walking across the street. I hung my head just in case one of the neighbors saw me.

I found all of this odd. My heart had ripped to shreds when Sarah found out and called me names, but when I left her, I felt nothing. Nothing at all.

I walked into my house, still thinking about it all. This has to be a sign. The voices that were once in my head had silenced, allowing me to be at peace for some time.

I thanked the lord that they were gone. If they were here now, I have a feeling they would be giving me a bad message regarding Sarah.

Then, it hit me. All the emotions I thought had ran away hit me like a truck. It all started when I felt like everything around me was closing in.

I exhaled heavy breaths and everything began to spin. I had just lost the love of my life. My entire world. It all happened in a blur.

I began running around the room, breaking things and throwing some stuff everywhere. Every place in this house had her name written all over it. 

She had been in every room in this house. Hell, she helped me remodel. I grabbed at my hair, begging for the madness to end.

I wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare and see Sarah laying right next to me in bed. I wanted her to comfort me by kissing my head and tell me everything was going to be alright.

Sadly, I can't. This nightmare was real and there was no way out of it. If only I had hid that damn picture. It's all my fault.

I fell to my knees, slamming my fist against the floor. I was a broken man. "Sarah, please!" I began to cry hysterically, looking up at the ceiling as if I were talking to God.

He couldn't hear me. I knew he had blocked me out a while ago, since I decided that Hell was where I belong.

"Sarah, I beg you! I want your forgiveness!" Nothing. I knew I was stupid for thinking that I would get a response from a woman who was unconscious and across the street.

It was over and I had messed it all up. It was time to move on.

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