Chapter 13

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I continued to watch the whole scene in front of me, scared to take my eyes off of it. I didn't know whether or not to intervene. 

I knew that if I went down there to confront that man, I would probably look like a stalker. That's not the way to go with a person you're friends with. Then again, we do love each other.

We both did confess our love for each other just yesterday. I sighed, leaning back onto my desk. There was a knock at my door and I absent-mindedly told whoever it was to come in.

Let me tell you, that was a big mistake. I knew by the sound of her heels tapping against the floor that I was in for something dramatic. I slowly turned around to face her, my jaw clenched.

"Valerie, so good to see you." She stopped in the middle of the room, inspecting the office as she normally did on every visit she made. 

"I thought that you would change your decorations from the last time I came, but I guess not." I rolled my eyes at the statement she makes every single time she comes here.

"Well, you can't be one to judge. You visit every two weeks and come here to state the same things over and over again. Have you ever heard of the phrase 'some things never change'?"

Valerie chuckled, crossing her arms over her chest to make her boobs look more appealing to me. Just saying, I wanted to kick her out of my office right then and there, but I couldn't.

My boss would take away my promotion if he heard all the commotion she would make because of it. "I miss you, Brenny. How come I haven't been able to sleep over?"

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. I scratched the back of my neck and sighed. "Maybe it's because you were an accidental one night stand. I've had absolutely no interest in you."

As if she didn't hear what I said, she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. She gave me those puppy dog eyes, which just made me want to throw up even more. 

I shrugged her hand off and looked at her with disgust. "I need to make some calls, so can you please leave?" Valerie smirked, then slowly backed up.

"Fine, but I'll be back tomorrow and the next day until you realize that you want me." I bit my lip and shook my head as she walked out the door. Thank god.

I turned to look back at where Sarah was to see that she was gone, but the man still stood there. I took a good look at him, pulling out my phone to grab a picture.

I was going to teach him a simple lesson. That's all. I looked at the picture I took, rolling my eyes at the quality when it's zoomed in. I can't wait for good cameras.

I put my phone down and smirked, thinking about what I was going to do to him.

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