Chapter 2

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I hate having a job here. Sometimes, I ask myself why I even work here. Getting out of my car, I looked up at the office building, rolling my eyes.

I knew that today was going to be a living hell since the boss is flying in from Colorado. Since I'm the executive in command here, I'm most likely going to have all the shit poured onto me, while the general manager gets away from it all.

As I walked into the building, the secretaries had a bunch of phone calls ringing in all at once as papers and contracts were dropped off on their desks. I purse my lips as I looked at Maggie, who looked like she hadn't had any sleep in days.

I felt bad for the poor girl, but if she kept that up, I'd probably fire her. I guess that was the best part about my job. I had control over everyone in this office, especially when the boss is here.

I made my way over to the elevator, keeping my eye on Maggie. I knew she was just pretending to be fully awake. Hell, she sleeps on the job almost everyday and acts like I never heard anything about it.

Once I was in the elevator, I let out a breath, enjoying the calmness of it all while it lasted. It felt like the elevator ride was taking forever. I mean, I'm not complaining. I'm glad I get to relax.

But, it wasn't forever. In fact, I was on the fiftieth floor in a matter of seconds. "Fucking Elon Musk. Everything's gotta be quicker as if life isn't already too short."

I sighed, stepping out of the elevator and into the chaos of my floor. This is why I continue to tell all of the employees to do their work, but they never do.

It's always gotta be last minute with them cause they're all out partying every night until the ass crack of dawn.

Ignoring all of the workers that begged for another day to do the work, I walked into my office and slammed the door. That was my way of telling them to leave me alone.

As I began to get comfortable, making sure everything was in place, I began to think of Sarah. She's been in my damn head all day and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

I bit my lip, remembering every single detail about her. I need to get my head out of the clouds before I do something I regret.

Well, maybe I could just regret what I'm doing and have fun with it all. I mean, who says I can't? I chuckled to myself, enjoying the silence in the office.

I looked down at some of the contracts in front of me, placing my glasses on. Not even a paragraph in, I thought about her again.

I groaned, feeling myself grow a little hard. Was I going to pleasure myself? No. That's childish and my boss could slam my office door open at any given moment. 

Speaking of which, he just did. I looked up at him, meeting his electric, green eyes. I'm telling you, I'd date him if he wasn't already married.

"Killian, nice to see you again." He nodded his head, rolling up his sleeves. "Likewise, Brendon. I see the office waited until the last minute again?"

I nodded, rolling my eyes. "They don't listen. I don't see why you can't let me fire them all." Killian chuckled, shaking his head.

"I have thought about that, but where would we find new workers?" I bit my cheek and nodded. "You have a point there."

Killian nodded, then turned to look at the office. "I know this visit was unexpected, but I was thinking about all of this. I simply can't run over thirty buildings, Brendon."

I furrowed my eyebrows, not knowing where he was going with this. "That's why, I want you to take this building over. You'll be investing all the profit from here."

I was shocked. Killian Smith, the man who basically owns the world, just handed his business over to me. "I-I don't know what to say. Thank you, Killian."

He shook his head, a smile on his face. "I trust that you'll do great things. Not to mention, we'll be business partners."

Killian waved his goodbye, then left, closing the door behind him. I smirked to myself, thinking about all of this and how it all could benefit me.

Would Sarah like me for who I become once I become rich, though? I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my eyes. 

Why the hell should I even care about her opinion of me? You love her, dumbass. That's why.

I sighed. "How did I fall in love with her so quickly?"

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