Chapter 36

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The week went speeding by as everything had been feeling right in the world. I sat at my desk, looking out at all the city lights.

It was almost quitting time and my hands were starting to get a bit clammy. Tonight was my date with Sarah and I wanted everything to be perfect. This was going to kick off the start of us.

I heard someone approach the door, then knock three times. I turned around, smiling as I looked at Killian. "Hey, Urie. I haven't checked up on you in a long while. How ya holding up?"

I chuckled, grabbing his outstretched hand for a handshake. "Pretty good. I was trying to find you at the party the other night, but you were a bit busy."

Killian scratched the back of his neck, nodding his head. "Yeah, sorry about that. I heard you got back together with that girl you like. Congrats."

My smile grew wider as I thought about Sarah. "Yeah, I did." Killian chuckled, his eyes going over to the window. "Damn, you were spoiled with this view."

I nodded, shoving my hands in my pocket. "Well, you were the one who gave me the office." Killian turned to me, a smile on his face.

He sighed, patting me on the shoulder. "That I did. Anyway, I came here to tell you that we're closing early. So, just grab your stuff and get going." I nodded, watching as he walked out of my office.

"Oh, enjoy your date, Brendon." 


I sighed, standing outside of Sarah's door. I was nervous to say the least. I just hope that she would enjoy our night out tonight. 

I tapped my knuckles against the wood, hearing her shout that she was coming through the door. I took in another deep breath, then smiled when she opened the door.

"Hey, Brendon. Sorry, to keep you waiting. I was just putting on my shoes." I nodded, extending my hand out for her to grab.

Once she locked the door, she grabbed my hand and we walked back to the car. "I'm glad we can finally do this without any interruptions."

Sarah smiled, making my heart rate immediately pick up. "I am too."

Once we got to the restaurant, my jaw dropped when I saw how long the line was. I looked over to Sarah, who had the same reaction. "You made a reservation, right?" I nodded, but that's not what I was worried about.

"I think they might be a little behind since they don't just do walk ins." Sarah nodded, then thought for a moment. "Is there another place around here that may not be as crowded?"

I shrugged. "We can look it up." We both grabbed our phones, searching for a restaurant nearby. When we found none, I felt defeated. This is not how I wanted it to go.

Just as I was about to give up, I came up with an idea. "Why don't we just head back to my place and I can make some pasta?" Sarah looked over at me, a large smile plastered on her face.

"Let's do it."

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