Chapter 56

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As I was driving back home, there were faint whispers I could hear all around me. I knew it was just my head playing tricks on me, but those whispers were starting to drive me crazy.

Again, the one voice that sounded like my dad's stuck out like a sore thumb. That voice would always say something like 'be happy it's over' or 'now find your next victim'.

I wasn't planning on finding anyone else to kill. All I had left to do was show my love for Sarah. I stopped at the red light just a few blocks away from the house, beginning to think of when I first saw Sarah.

As soon as I opened the door, I was met face to face with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her shiny teeth, brunette hair, and sparkling, blue eyes captivated me.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you. I'm Sarah Johnson and I just moved into the neighborhood. I thought I would just go around and meet the neighbors, but some of them seem to be anti-social."

I chuckled. She's funny, too. "Yeah, people can be really pissy around here. I'm Brendon, by the way. What house did you move in to?"

Sarah smiled, pointing to the house just across the street. "Right there. It's nice to know that I actually live by someone who I believe I can get along with."

Oh, we're going to get along real well, Sarah. I can feel it.

It was crazy how I fell in love with someone so fast. I remember trying to tell Dallon about her and his first reaction was him saying something about me being obsessed.

I couldn't have been obsessed if I just met someone, right? I'll have to research stuff when I get home. 

I turned the corner, seeing the house in my line of view. The lights were all on, which made me wonder why. I never left my lights on whenever I left for work.

Unless, I just forgot cause I'm a fucking idiot. I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. I had taken notice to Sarah's house.

She wasn't here. Her car wasn't in my nor her driveway. Maybe she's just working late again. I walked up to the front door, unlocking it.

My house was just the way it was when I left this morning, so I probably did forget to turn off the lights. I mumbled a few choice words under my breath, then made my way to the kitchen.

My laptop had been charging ever since I left this morning, so if it's not fully charged by now, I think I'm gonna lose my mind.

You know what? I'll just use it while on the charger. I logged in, then went to the internet to start researching.

In the search bar, I typed in the famous word that people used to describe crazy people. Pyschopath. 

I clicked on the first website that popped up, intrigued to learn how to distinguish a psychopath. I scrolled through, dismissing all the other information until I found what I was looking for.

Common Signs of a Pyschopath

-Socially irresponsible behavior*

-Disregarding or violating the rights of others

-Inability to distinguish between right and wrong

-Difficulty with showing remorse or empathy* 

-Tendency to lie often*

-Manipulating or hurting others*

-General disregard towards safety and irresponsibility

I clenched my jaw as I read over some of the signs. Maybe Dallon did have a point. I mean, I have at least four of those signs going for me right now.

I find it weird how I'm not freaking out about this. Is that another sign? Hell, I talk to voices that are in my head. I'm probably insane enough. 

I slammed my laptop closed, then rubbed over my eyes. There was a different voice that popped up this time. 

"Come to terms with what you are." I could feel a smile tug at my lips. Not a normal smile, though. This one was one of those wicked ones you would see in the movies.

I am insane.

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