Chapter 51

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I waited to cross the street, tapping my foot impatiently. Unlike majority of the people who decided that they would just go and cross the street in the middle of traffic, I waited.

The lights in the city never changed fast and I disliked it a lot. Ralph better be in that Jimmy John's still or I'm going to go insane. Let's be honest, though. I've already gone insane.

Soon the signal showed and I practically ran across the street. I didn't care about the angry people I had pushed aside. They liked to take their sweet ass time walking across the damn street.

My face paced walking soon brought me to the front of the restaurant. My eyes went straight to the neon sign on the window that said 'free smells'. 

I rolled my eyes, then walked in. I tried to be nonchalant when looking around for Ralph. He was near the counter, ranting to the worker about something.

Out of all places and people you could rant to, Ralph picked a Jimmy John's worker. I sighed and made my way towards the register, standing behind the upset Ralph.

Maybe this was a good thing. I could drag out some information from him just from this small conversation of his. 

"Yeah, she doesn't love me. She loves this office guy that's supposed to be getting some kind of promotion soon. I don't know."

It didn't take me long to figure out that he was talking about Sarah and dissing me, while at it. I had to intervene.

"Excuse me. Some of us don't have too long of a lunch break and your friends seem to be waiting for you to finish up. Can you shut up already?"

Ralph narrowed his eyes at me. I watched as he scanned my body as if he were trying to figure out who I was. As for that matter, it didn't take him too long to figure out who I was.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I'll just go back to my friends. Thanks, for listening, Zack." The worker nodded, then smiled at me. "Thanks, for that. I wasn't paying any attention."

I chuckled, ordering myself a sandwich. "You have a good day now, sir." I smiled and looked over to where Ralph had been. Oh, he's disappeared.

I'll just deal with him another day. Sarah can hold on for just a bit longer. I walked out of the building and back onto the busy streets. 

I whistled to myself as I made my way back home. Just as I was about to cross the street, I was pulled into the alley, my sandwich bag falling out of my hands.

I was slammed up against the wall by someone who was breathing quite heavily for such little movement. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Brendon Urie."

Ralph. Of course, it had to be Ralph. "Oh, I know you?" Yes, I was going to play the stupid game. Hopefully, he falls for it.

"You know who I am, dipshit. Stop playing games." He smacked me across the face, but not hard enough to make a mark. I smirked, pushing him off of me.

"Where's your little clan you call friends?" Ralph chuckled, cracking his knuckles. I hope he knows that that's not good for his hands.

"They went back to the office." I laughed, shaking my head. "I think you know why I was following you, so I'm here to tell you that you need to knock it off. Sarah is mine and I don't like to share."

Ralph smiled one of those wicked smiles. "That's not what she was saying to me a couple weeks ago." My smirk had fallen from my lips and I was now confused.

"What do you mean?" Ralph chuckled, walking closer to me. "She came to me a couple weeks ago saying that her boyfriend wasn't pleasuring her, so I helped out."

He had to be lying. He better be lying for Sarah's sake. That statement was a punch in the gut. Snapping me out of my daze, I felt a stinging pain in my left cheek.

I tasted a metallic taste in my mouth, leaving me to realize that I had just been punched in the face. I looked back at Ralph, who was still smirking like crazy.

"She's mine, Urie." I was seeing red. I pushed him back into the other wall, immediately starting to throw punches and kicks his way.

He wasn't giving up and started to throw punches back. I dodged a few, but Ralph ended up landing a few on me. 

After a few minutes, I gripped his shirt and began slamming him into the wall as hard as I could. There was a voice in the back of my head telling me that this was wrong, but I had to do this.

I had to show Sarah that I could keep her safe. Ralph's eyes began to close and his blood was everywhere. 

I landed one last punch on him, feeling his pulse as I did so. He was dead and all I had left to do was hide the body and get out of there without being seen.

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