Chapter 59

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It was dark. I found myself looking around for something. The voices that were once in my head were surrounding me. Suffocating me.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" My voice bounced off the walls that I had no idea were there. Where the hell am I?

"Brendon, come." I turned in the direction the voice came from then began to walk cautiously. More voices began to chime in, telling me to come to them.

"Help! Brendon, please!" I stopped, hearing the voice of my love. "Sarah?!" Her sniffles and cries echoed down the hall, invading my ears.

She was in trouble and I wasn't there to help her. That is one of my biggest fears. "Sarah?! Sarah, I'm coming to find you!"

I began to jog, not knowing what could pop out at me while I was traveling this way. "B-Brendon!" Her voice sounded weak and strained.

Before I could pick up my pace, a strand of lights began to turn on one by one. At the end of the hall, Sarah was there, sitting in one of those old wooden chairs.

"Sarah!" She looked up at me with a weak smile on her face. "Bren-" She was cut off by the voices. They were telling me to continue on towards her.

It felt like my body had went on autopilot. My legs began to move without my control. Once I was close enough, I heard all the voices whisper 'do it'.

I was confused until I felt something in my hand. I gasped when I saw the knife. "No, no, no! I-I can't." My legs began to move once again, my body growing closer to Sarah's.

I closed my eyes and felt myself stop. "It is done." I slowly opened my eyes, the sight bringing a pain in my chest.

There was blood everywhere. I looked down at my shirt and noticed the blood all over my shirt. I had killed Sarah.

My eyes opened quickly as I took deep breaths in. It was just a dream. My phone began to ring, making me sigh. I groaned and turned over to face the table it was laying on.

My eyes slowly looked over to the clock, seeing that it was four in the morning. Huffing, I looked at the caller ID. Why the fuck is Dallon calling?

"Hello?" I pulled the phone away from my ear when he began to yell at me. "Are you fucking stupid or something? How could you-"

I shushed him and sighed. "Why are you yelling at me?" Dallon scoffed, shuffling around. "I guess you haven't seen the news. They found a half burned skull on the ground in the forest preserve."

My throat went dry. There was no way Ralph's skull was burned all the way. I watched it burn. "That's not possible. I made sure all the evidence was gone."

"Well, no one saw you burn the body, correct? There's no way they could get your DNA from that, but if there were witnesses, consider yourself on death row."

I rolled my eyes. Dallon was freaking out over nothing as usual. No one had seen- Oh, shit. That couple saw me burning the body.

"Uh, there was a couple walking by at the time. They thought I was having a bonfire." Dallon groaned. "Of course. You never bother to pay attention to your surroundings."

I scoffed and scratched the back of my neck. "Shut up, Dallon. I'll figure something out." I could already see him rolling his eyes. "I sure hope so."

He hung up the phone, making me sigh. God, I need a vacation from this all. 

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