Chapter 66

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I had no idea what to do. Even though I had practiced for this moment multiple times, it seemed like I was drawing a blank.

"Answer me, you psychotic bastard!" I licked my lips and sighed. "It's not what it looks like, Sarah. I promise you I didn't-"

She ran a hand through her hair as the tears began to fall from her ocean eyes. My heart was pounding wildly against my ribcage. I was losing her.

"Y-You killed Mike, too." I was speechless. She had made a correct assumption and by the look on my face right now, I bet she could tell that she was right on the money.

"Oh, my god. I-I'm in a relationship w-with a murderer! A-A psychotic murderer!" I wanted to scream at her that I wouldn't hurt her, but my vocal cords decided that they didn't want to work.

"Why? Why did you do this?" I took in a shaky breath, the tears slowly beginning to cloud my vision. "I-I did it out of love. I saw h-how you were being treated a-and I knew I could treat you better."

Surprisingly, she was listening to me. That's one of the things I loved the most about Sarah. She would listen and not interrupt. Sadly, now was not the time to admire her.

I had to win her back. "They were scumbags! Mike was an asshole who just used you for sex a-and Ralph was practically the same man as me."

She cocked a brow, telling me to go on. "H-He was stalking you because he liked you. I-I did the same thing." Her jaw dropped and I knew immediately that I couldn't come back from this.

I had fucked up big time. If only I had hid those pictures better. "Y-You stalked me?" I gulped, nodding my head slowly. "When you first moved in."

Her heart was broken and I was the one who broke it. The one thing I said I didn't want to do, I did. I hated myself for all the pain I had put her through.

"Is there anything else I should know of that you've been hiding from me?" I thought of the dollhouse. I wasn't planning on telling her about that because it wasn't any of her business.

Plus, it wouldn't effect her. "You know what? I don't want to know. I'm going to the police." Sarah began to make her way towards the bedroom door, but I stopped her.

"Hey, hey, hey. We can talk this out. Please, don't call the police on me. I did this for love.  For us."

She was full on crying now and all I could feel was the pain radiating through my body. She was gone and she was never coming back. I made a couple big mistakes and now I'm paying the price.

"You can't talk me out of this, Brendon. Y-You need help." She tried to push past me, but I was stronger than her. I looked to the left of me, finding a glass vase on the table.

I had to do it no matter if I would feel bad in the end. I had to save my own self before I went to jail. I quickly grabbed it and smashed it against her temple, watching as her body fell to the ground.

She laid there limp next to the shattered glass. "I love you, Sarah. I always will, but it seems like we have to part ways."

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