Chapter 37

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We had made it back to my house a couple of minutes ago. Since then, Sarah had made herself at home by sitting at one of the barstools in the kitchen, watching as I began to pull out ingredients.

"I'm not gonna lie when I say that I'm super excited to try this pasta of yours, Brendon." I turned my head, smiling at her. "Oh, really? Something tells me that you're not ready at all. I make a killer pasta."

Sarah rolled her eyes as I rolled up the sleeves of my dress shirt. I pulled out one of the pots from the kitchen drawers, then a measuring cup. I filled the cup up twice and poured it into the pot.

While waiting for the water to boil, I began to sprinkle a little salt into the water. "So, how's work, Sarah?" I looked over at her for a second before pulling out the premade pasta noodles.

Fun fact, I was going to make this pasta for myself over the weekend, but it's always better to share with someone. 

"It's going pretty good. My boss is continuously on my ass for not having some stories right away, but there really isn't much going on around here." 

I nodded, placing the noodles in the boiling water. It would take about ten minutes for the noodles to cook, so I decided to warm up the sauce.

"How about work for you, Bren?" I shrugged, throwing the sauce in another pot to warm it up. When I was done, I turned to face her. 

"I'm supposed to be promoted soon, so I guess that's a plus. Other than that, the people I work with are very hard people to tame."

Sarah nodded, looking down at her phone as it lit up. I gulped, watching as she flipped the phone over, so the screen was facing down. She was hiding something and I was dying to know what.

"Some people are just really hard to work with and we can't do anything about it. I should know. This one guy named Ralph was trying to make out with me and I kept telling him about you, yet he continued to be persistent."

I nodded, leaning back on the counter. "In fact, he just texted me, asking me if I wanted to go see a movie tonight. I rather stay here and spend time with you. I still feel bad about the last time."

I felt a weight get lifted from my shoulders. I wasn't expecting her to come clean like that. Hell, no one ever has. 

Maybe this time will work out. This seems to be going well, so why wouldn't this work out in the future?

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