Chapter 40

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I looked down at him, the pool of blood spreading by the second. I tilted my head, watching as he tried to hold himself up by holding onto the railing.

"W-Why?" I bit my lip, looking down at the knife covered in blood. "You simply place your hands on her. She belongs to me and nobody can touch her, except me."

The man coughed, choking on his own blood. "S-She doesn't love y-you. N-No one c-could e-ever love y-you."

I felt the anger boil up inside of me and I immediately lost all control of myself. I began kicking the man's side, his groans and weak screams bouncing off the walls.

When I was sure to have done a bunch of damage, I raised the knife, aiming for the center of his head. "You should've stayed quiet. You could've survived."

The man's eyes slowly widened. "N-No. P-Please, I-" I shook my head. "You should've thought about it before you said anything."

I sent the knife right in the center of his skull, watching as he instantly went limp. I sighed, backing up.

As I looked at the blood on my hands, everything around me seemed to get darker. I began to hyperventilate, the blood on my hands practically glowing in the dark.

I shut my eyes tightly, trying to wake myself up. After about a minute or two, I opened them back up and noticed that all the blood was gone. Strange.

Just as I was about to pick up his body, I gasped. The blood had found it's way on the wall, spelling out words.

"She could never love a monster like you."

"No!" I shot up, a thin sheet of sweat covering me. I took a few deep breaths in, trying to calm myself down. I hadn't had a nightmare like that since...a story for another time. 

I rubbed over my eyes and looked over at the alarm clock. I rolled my eyes, pushing the covers off of my body. Hopefully, going to work gets my mind off of this.

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