Chapter 12

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Everything was right in the world. Nothing could go wrong now. I couldn't hold back the smile as I drove to work, thinking about Sarah. 

As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that the office was a bit busier than usual today. I groaned, not wanting to deal with the workers on my floor. At least, I was getting promoted.

I parked in my usual parking spot, then headed towards the building. I clenched my jaw as I saw the chaos from outside of the building. The glass doors didn't really help my case.

Papers were falling everywhere are people began to throw them at the secretaries, who couldn't keep up with much of the work. Forget what I said about nothin going wrong.

I sighed, walking into the building, causing everyone to stop and look at me. I stopped a couple feet in front of the door, furrowing my eyebrows as I glanced around the lobby.

Nobody dared to say anything to me or anyone else for that matter. "Well, why are you all standing around when we have work to do?" As if those were the magic words, everyone went right back to work.

I pursed my lips, then made my way towards the elevator. Ah, my favorite part of the work day besides being in my office. The elevator was never crowded and always had a serene atmosphere.

As I waited for the elevator to stop on my floor, I felt a buzz in my pocket. Quickly taking out my phone, I saw who the text was from. I smiled as I noticed the two hearts surrounding Sarah's name.

"Hey, I know you're already off to work, but I was thinking that maybe we could go out know, just as friends."

I chuckled, then responded back. I was excited for our little "date" tonight. Walking into my office, I set my keys on the table and glanced outside.

The view from my office was incredible. I could see the entire city from up here. I sighed, looking towards the ground, seeing someone who looked exactly like Sarah talking to another man.

I squinted to try and see closer. That was Sarah and it looked like she was on her way to her job, but got stopped by this man. What the hell?

She looked like she was trying to push him away, but he wanted to continue to talk to her. That made my blood boil. Whoever this guy was, I was going to make sure he would pay.

Nobody touches what is mine...

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