Chapter 53

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When Dallon pulled up, I immediately noticed the scowl he had on his face. He slammed the door and pulled out the supplies from the back of the car.

"You know how to make quite the mess, Urie." I smiled at him. I always loved when Dallon would be sarcastic. "You know it. Did you remember to bring the extra clothes?" 

He nodded and pointed to the back of the car. "Yeah. It's all in the backseat." I nodded, beginning to put the gloves on.

Dallon sighed and looked down at Ralph's body. "This was the guy you were worried about? Really? With his looks, he had nothing on you and Sarah."

I rolled my eyes at his statement. I could careless if he didn't have anything on me. Ralph was hitting on my girl and I wasn't gonna just sit by and watch him do it.

"Oh, yeah? Well, he's beat up, so you can't really judge. He was playing with me by trying to get Sarah, so I had to do something."

Dallon placed the tarp down, then raised his hands up in fake surrender. "Take a chill pill, Bren. Jeez, I can't talk to you anymore." I huffed and began cleaning up the blood that had gotten on the dumpster.

Once I was done with that, we picked up Ralph's corpse and placed him on the tarp. I smirked to myself as I slowly started to wrap him up in the tarp. He was out of my way.

Another obstacle was gone. Dallon must have noticed, since he was looking at me like I was crazy. "Why do you do that?" I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding.

"What do you mean?" He rolled his eyes and huffed. "You always look like you've won the lottery after you killed someone. Damn, Kara was right."

I knew exactly what he was talking about when he brought up Kara. She never liked it when I killed because it reminded her too much of my dad.

Well, I won't be going to jail and rotting away in some cell like him. I know how to clean up after myself. "Hello? Earth to Urie?" I snapped out of my daze and looked at Dallon.

"I asked you about the body. What are you going to do with it this time?" I haven't thought about that one. My dad used to bury bodies, then cover them up with flowers. I could do that, but I want excitement when getting rid of a body.

So, I said the first thing that came to my mind. "Bonfire." Dallon was taken back by my answer. "Really? That's...interesting." I rolled my eyes and helped him carry the body to the trunk.

"I didn't ask for your judgement, Dal. You're just my partner in crime with this." He flipped the bird at me and shoved the body in the trunk, closing the door when he was done.

"I hope you know that I'd be willing to go to the police to tattle on you, but I don't cause you're my friend." I smiled at him and hopped in the passenger seat.

"I love you, Dal." He rolled his eyes and hopped in the car. "Don't know if I could say the same about you."

I grabbed the clothes from the backseat and took off my dirty shirt. I figured that I would just change my shirt, since no one could see my pants.

Dallon ran a hand through his hair, then looked over at me. "I'm driving you home, yeah?" I nodded.

"I'll take care of the body, Dal. I just need to speak with Sarah first."

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