Chapter 62

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Lies. That's all I told to her. The bad part about me lying is that I know someday in the future, she's going to find out about what I really do. 

Dallon seemed to be freaking out over nothing after I told him that I would handle the situation. "Let's sit down for this, then." Sarah nodded, sitting down next to me.

I felt bad about what I was about to do, but I just couldn't tell her the real truth. Not yet, at least. "This is gonna be a hard topic to cover,, my cousin passed away."

Sarah's monotoned expression went to a concerned one in a matter of seconds. "I've just been contacting family over the past few days and we still can't seem to find out a date for the funeral."

I felt her place her hand on top of mine. "Brendon, I-I'm sorry for-" I shook my head and locked eyes with her. "It's alright. You didn't know."

"Is there anything I could do?" She looked into my eyes with hers, making me feel ten times worse. She can't find out. 

"At the moment, no. All I know that when the time comes, I'm going to have to go to Wisconsin for the funeral." Sarah nodded and looked down at the floor.

"I can't help but feel terrible about this whole situation, Brendon. I just assumed that you were hiding something bigger. I mean, I-I'm really sorry. I want to help."

I shook my head and stood up. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I was the one who kept hiding this away like it was some type of bad thing when it really wasn't. I'm sorry, I made you feel that way."

Holy shit. Why is this actually working? Am I becoming a good liar? Sarah stood up and immediately wrapped her arms around me.

"Please, Brendon. Call me, if you need anything at all. I'm here to help." Well, there goes my happiness at how well this situation went.

I lied to her again and again. I knew I wasn't going to stop, but if she left me, I don't think I'd be able to live with myself any longer. 

I constantly push people away because of this now. I won't let that happen with Sarah. She's the one for me and I know that we're meant to be together.

Sarah placed a kiss on my forehead and gave me a small smile. "I have to run to my mom's house, but what I just said still stands, alright?" I nodded, pecking her on the lips.

"Yes, ma'am. Are you going to stay over here tonight?" She shook her head and placed her hand in mine. "I think I should give you some space for tonight. You just came clean of everything and I don't want it to be awkward."

I softly smiled and watched as she walked towards the door. We said our goodbyes and when she was gone, I turned to Dallon.

"How the fuck do you keep getting away with shit like this?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to the alcohol cabinet, pulling out some red wine.

"I don't know, but it looks like I'm going to suffer the consequences real soon."

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