Chapter 34

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I had been blowing off work lately, but Killian didn't seem to care. All I had to tell him was that I had some family business to take care of. 

Today, though, I wanted to go into work. I rather be there than have to break the news to Maddie that I had moved back to Sarah. I hated my obsessive side for all of this.

The voices in my head these past few days had been getting on my nerves, bickering over who I should be with. I had made a ton of lists of pros and cons for both Maddie and Sarah.

Sadly, Sarah won that battle, even though Maddie had barely any cons. This whole situation seemed one sided to me and it wasn't fair.

I saw Sarah first and she broke my heart, yet here I am crawling back to her. Would she take me back? That was the first question that always popped into my mind.

Rubbing over my eyes, I hit the steering wheel with my fist, growing frustrated with myself. I knew that for the both of them, I would protect them.

Well, Sarah for now. I reclined back in the seat, looking over at Maddie's house. This was happening now and I couldn't just drive away.

I sat in the car for about another five minutes, then stepped out of the car. I could feel my palms get sweaty as I walked up the driveway. I tried to tell myself that this was all a dream, but I knew it wasn't.

I took in a deep breath, then knocked on the door. I could hear a bit of shuffling, then the lock unlock. I closed my eyes, praying that this would go well.

"Oh, hey, Brendon. I wasn't expecting you to be here." I huffed, nodding my head. "Trust me, I wasn't expecting to be here either."

Maddie furrowed her eyebrows, then stepped to the side, allowing me to come in. "So, is there something you want to talk about?"

I bit my lip, nodding my head. "I just wanted to say that I-I think I'm in love with someone else." Maddie stopped what she was doing and turned to look at me.

"You're breaking up with me? Already?" I sighed, wanting to be at home in my bed right about now. "Yeah, I am. Trust me, it's not's me."

Maddie took a shaky breath in, then closed her eyes. "Don't worry about it, Bren. We can still be friends." My eyes widened. She took that way too nicely.

"W-What?" Maddie opened her eyes, letting out the breath she was holding. "At the party, I saw the way Sarah looked at you and I knew you two were together before. Trust me, it's completely alright with me."

If that didn't make me feel better, she added a soft smile and giggled a bit. "I just hope that things go well this time. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Trust me."

I smiled, walking up to her. I wrapped my arms around her, the voices in my head leaving me alone for once. 

"Thank you."

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