Chapter 43

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I dropped my case down on the floor next to the door, sighing as I shrugged off my tie. Sarah had told me that she would be staying late in the office.

I was upset since she was supposed to come over for dinner again. I hung my tie over both of my shoulders, walking into the kitchen.

I went straight to the fridge, pulling out a beer. I couldn't help but think about that guy Sarah had been telling me about. What was his name? Ron? Robert? Oh, Ralph.

What a dorky name. I opened a couple of drawers, trying to find the bottle opener. Normally, I would open it with my teeth, but I wasn't in the mood. 

Anyway, that Ralph guy seems a little bit suspicious. I mean, who hits on a girl who's with someone? Unless, he didn't know that we were dating.

I finally found the bottle opener, popping the bottle cap off quickly. I took a swig from my beer and sighed, content with the tingly liquid running down my throat.

I set the bottle down on the counter and pulled out my phone, immediately going to Google. I tapped on the search bar and typed in Ralph's name, but soon stopped.

I didn't even know the guy's last name. Fuck. I huffed, closing out of Google, and texted Sarah. I knew it would seem sketchy if I asked her what his last name was, but I had a little lie to go along with it.

I read over the message, then sent it as soon as I realized that nothing was wrong with it. I took another sip of my beer, still thinking about Ralph.

Now that I think about it, I knew a Ralph in high school, but he was moved to some military school in Tennessee. Could it be him?

I shook my head, making my way into the living room. As I sat down on the couch, I began to think about Sarah and I. It seemed like every time we tried to get further into the relationship, there would be someone in the way.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone buzz. I furrowed my eyebrows, picking it up off of the table to see who had texted me.

It was Sarah. I smiled, then looked down at what she had said. I felt my heart drop at the name.

Ralph Spencer.

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