Chapter 16

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I walked into my office, dreading another day here. The best thing about today already had to be the text I got from Dallon. Earlier this morning, I had sent Dallon the picture of the guy and he did his special stuff.

I was supposed to keep it to myself, but I'm already behind on so much work. Not to mention, I couldn't keep slacking since I was supposed to be getting a promotion real soon.

I sighed, looking over the text Dallon had sent me. The guy's name was Victor Newman. I smirked as I read his name. His occupation was a Starbucks barista, which really left me thinking on why Sarah was laughing along with him.

Maybe they were joking around about his career. She truly needs a real man like me. For hours, I had just been sitting at my desk, doing paperwork and signing contracts with no distractions.

That was honestly quite weird for me since I was always used to people coming into my office to complain about something. I looked down at my watch, shrugging when I saw that it was five o'clock.

I know that's normally when everyone goes home, but I thought I would just stay a little longer. It doesn't hurt to get started on the work for the next day. 

Plus, I loved staying in to watch the city lights. I always liked the night because people do what they can't during the day at night. 

I turned around in my chair, looking out at the sunset. I know I say that I hate the office life, but it has some aspects of it all that are great. 

As I turned around, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I rolled my eyes, forgetting that I can't have a moment to myself ever. 

I looked over it, smirking when I was told that Victor would be walking home at this hour. Forget the paperwork, I've got something else to do.

Psycho IntentionsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora