Chapter 23

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I looked over at Sarah, watching as she unbuckled her seatbelt rather quickly. She looked over at me for a second, then gave me a soft smile.

"I enjoyed your company tonight, Brendon. If I ever need any comforting, I know who to call." I couldn't help but smile. "I'm glad I could help."

Just as she reached for the door handle, I grabbed her wrist, making her look over at me. "Brendon, what are you-"

I looked into her eyes, clenching my jaw. "This relationship of ours has to be open. What I mean by that is there shouldn't be secrets held between us. That leads to destruction."

Sarah bit her lip, looking down at the floor of the car. "I agree." I sighed, letting her wrist go. I watched as she quickly got out of the car, speed walking to her house.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and paid the driver. "Keep the change. I made you stay a little longer than anticipated."

The driver thanked me as I opened the door. Before I could walk away, he stopped me. "Something tells me that your relationship with her is gonna be rocky. She's obviously hiding something from you."

I bit my lip. "Yeah, I know. Thanks, for stating the obvious." I slammed the door and put my hands in my pockets as I walked up to my front door.

What can she be hiding that's that bad? I unlocked my door and walked inside, throwing the keys on the table. I locked the door behind me, shrugging off my jacket.

Not even bothering to turn on the lights, I walked upstairs, wanting to get to my laptop as soon as possible.

I needed to set up an account for all social media pages. Once I do that, I'll contact Dallon in the morning about all the other information I'll need.

I groaned, hating the entire process to starting accounts. I had to add a profile picture, a bio, gain a following, and post regularly. 

This was going to be hard, but I have to do this. I have to make sure that Sarah isn't hiding something from me. I need to be proved that I'm just over-reacting.

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