five ; crusts cut off

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"Hurry Up, Avery." Harry yells, standing above on a rock- looking down at me, eager to get to the place he had picked out for us to eat lunch together. 

"I'm coming." I yell back. How does he have so much energy, we have been walking for hours? I look back up at him to see him walk off towards a group of trees in the distance, his warm yellow hoodie getting less visible.

"Harry, wait for me!" I call out when I lose eyesight of him and I can hear his footsteps getting quieter. 

"We are nearly there." I hear him say in the distance. I climb up the hill after him and pull myself over the rock he was standing on, looking around. Ahead of me is a forest of beautiful lush green trees gently shaking the breeze. 

Harry runs out from inside the forest and grabs me gently by the arm and tells me I am going to love what he has found. I walk long the grassy and rocky ground and into the trees. Up ahead I can see where the tall trees part way, creating an arch away affect. 

Harry tells me its a surprise and I giggle as pulls his hoodie sleeves over his hands and covers my eyes. He carefully leads me towards where I saw the trees opening, and then after a little while of walking he stops me. 

"Ta Da!" he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. He removes his hands from my eyes. Wow this really is beautiful, he brought me me to a crystal clear lake, with trees all around and reflecting off the water.Flowers staring to grow on the waters edge and mossy rocks scattering across the ground. I look up at the beautiful, blue sky and see some birds flying across and into the trees. I turn around back to harry, who suddenly looks quite shy. 

"What do you think?" he says, kicking his feet nervously on the ground and hands behind his back. 

"I Love it." I reply honestly. He smiles at me, making the dimples on his cheeks even cuter. We sit down on the waters edge and harry takes off his back pack. We sit and talk about the view for a little while until harry pulls out lunch. He had made sandwiches with the crust cut off, biscuits and cheese and little bottles of oranges juice for us. 

"You cut the crusts off." point out. He goes a bit red and looks down at the one he has in his hand.

"Yeah my mum used to do that for me... sorry if its wei-"

"No, I think it's adorable" I cut him off, "Everything you do is so sweet. Thank you." 

He looks back up at me with a small smile. We eat lunch peacefully enjoying the view and nice weather and chatting. After lunch Harry teaches me how to skip rocks across the water; it took a few tries for me to get it, and when I finally did I think he was more excited than me. He gave me a high five, that turned into a hug and i rested my head on his shoulder.  

"I am so proud of you." he said, "not just for the rocks, but you have so far in the time I have known you.. and that's why I need to tell you something..." He lets me go and looks down at his shoes sadly.

"Harry, what is it?" I say, getting worried and taking a step back to see his face. 

He looks up at me and says, "me and the boys are leaving to go on tour next month and I wont be back until July" 

My heart drops and tears well in my eyes. I try to blink them away but he notices and wraps his arms around me again and holds me as i cry a little.  He doesn't say anything else or a while as he waits for me to calm down from my initial reaction.  

"I am really going to miss you Avery." he says and when he lets me go, I see a tear roll down his cheek. 

"Don't cry," I say, trying not to cry again myself, "it's only the start of November, we have plenty of time to spend together. He gives me a small smile and wipes his face with his sleeve.

"you're right" He says behind a semi-forced smile, "come on lets pack, it will be getting dark soon and we still have to walk back." We pack up and begin to walk about on the track we took to get back up silently, but my thoughts are racing. 

We manage to get to Harry's car just before night falls. He sits in the drivers seat and starts the car. Before he starts to drive he looks at me, sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window with tears sitting in my eyes, he has seen me cry before, but something about today feels different. 

"Hey Avery, I know you will be okay while I am away." I ignore it. I don't want to think about my life without Harry. We have spent nearly everyday with each other for the last year. I go to his band rehearsals and we hang out at my place after. He is my whole world, my best friend and my soulmate and I am his. Being without him for such a long time feels so wrong, like we aren't meant to be separated. 

He leans over and puts his hand on my shoulder and I start to cry. He undoes his seat belt so he can hug me again. He lets me cry on his shoulder again for a while before saying he needs to take me home to my parents. I agree and we drive in silence back to my place. He walks me up to my front door and says goodbye and promises to text me when he gets home safely. 

Just before he leaves her turns to me "I'll be coming back for you"

"You better" I reply smiling.

He hugs me goodbye and I watch him drive off, turns out he didn't live far from me this entire time, well, maybe I would have met him sooner if I left the house more. 

About 10 minutes later I get a message from Harry 

"Hey Ave, I hope you had a good day, I'll come by you place in the morning and we can go to the fair" 

I reply "Of course, I would love that ❤" 


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