twenty five ; the future

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(Hi! so as i am starting writing this, it is the 23rd July 2020, or One Directions 10th Anniversary! We want to say that we are so so proud of Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn and Harry and there amazing solo careers and music! We love you so much and can't wait to see what comes next in this journey! E&P) 

I get out of my car and with a huge cheesy smile on my face,open the front door and walk into Harry's house. I find him sitting on the couch with his guitar playing something I had never heard before, my excitement must be obvious because he raises his eyebrows and puts his guitar down against the couch next him. 

"What are so happy about?" he says with a smile, gesturing for me to sit next to him. 

I sit next to him on the couch and secretly keep my hand behind my back to not ruin the surprise. Harry picks up my excitement and his eyes light up, even though he isn't sure why he is happy yet, but i think it's because he loves seeing me happy. I smile wider, the idea of my happiness Harry giving harry happiness makes butterflies appear in my stomach. 

"Well?" he says, with a soft laugh, shaking his head impatiently "What is all this about?" 

Only one way to do this, so I take my shaking hand out from behind my back and show him my new diamond ring.  He grabs my hand pulls it closer to his face and stares at it with complete disbelief and slight sock and then looks back up to me with the same expression. I feel like he wants an explanation so i jump straight into one as he shuffles closer to me. 

"August, proposed earlier this morning when we were in the gardens. It was beautiful, H, we were surrounded by all kinds of flowers and plants, and then Gus got on one knee and asked me to marry him." I take a deep breath to hold my tears back so I can finish, "and I obviously said yes! So we had morning tea to celebrate and I rushed straight to your house to tell you first!" By the end of the story, I am beaming and filled with love. 

He squeezes my hand tight and puts it down, before letting grow and wrapping his arms around me in a tight and loving hug.

 "I'm so happy for you Ave!" he says into my shoulder and then letting me go. His eyes are filled with happy tears and he has a gentle but proud smile on his face. "I love you, Avery." he kisses me on the the cheek and lifts my hand up with both of his to see the ring again. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I say in amazement, "August picked it out last week while I was here and surprised me today." I look in his eyes and see so much pride and happiness, he meets my gaze and shakes his head a little. 

"Stop growing up and getting engaged..." and we laugh a little before he continues to talk. 

"When I look at you i still see the 16 year old girl holding a ukulele backstage on the X-Factor. I still see you sitting across from me in that cafe and giggling at my shitty jokes, and I still see you laying next to me under the stars asking me if I believe in soulmates." he wipes the tear as quickly as it came to him, my own tears brimming my eyes. "I am so happy for you and you have an amazing future ahead." he grabs my hands and squeezes them again. 

"Amazing future with you, Harry" I add emotionally, and he embraces me once again. August comes up in the afternoon and Harry happily congratulates him too. Eventually, we decide it's time to announce it to family and friends and within 20 minutes I have texts and calls from my mother and father, uncles and aunties and cousins and friends from school. Just when I think the hype has died down, I get 4 messages, almost straight after each other. 

Louis: Congrats Ave! Me and El are really happy for you, Love x

Niall: Congratulations, Avery! Excited for the wedding invite ahaha

Zayn: Huge congratulations from me and Gigi, Avery!

Liam: Just heard! Congrats on the engagement :) 

I smile at my phone and thank them all, I look back up at Harry, who is talking on the phone, again. August went back to our home an hour ago to feed Diana, who he adores. Harry hangs up and looks at me with a big smile. 

January 11th 2020 will be a day to remember for sure. 

"I'm proud of you, seriously"

I know, Harry, I'm proud of me too. 

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