Forty Three ; take care

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This chapter is a little long (EDIT: lol they get longer) but really cute and it follows after Ave gets home from her trip with Gus!  it serves no real purpose but needed a filler haha:) 

I roll my suitcase through my front door and drop it in down in the entrance and letting it fall down on the carpet, before closing the front door only seconds after I had opened it and headed straight to Harry's house. I walk up to his front door and knock.

The door swings open and Harry stands in his pajama pants and hoodie and rubs his eyes sleepily. Did I wake him?

"Avery? Didn't think you would come round straight after you got home" He says, checking his phone, It's nearly 11 pm. 

"Nice to see you too, H" I laugh and hug him.

"I missed you" He says, closing the door and leading me into his very nice lounge room "What's in the bag?" He gestures to the plastic bag I have hanging off my arm and sits down on the couch. Matilda comes around from the kitchen at the sound of my voice and jumps on me happily. She was staying with Harry so they could keep each other company.

"Well, while I was at the airport waiting for my flight I picked up a few things" I say, patting Matilda then sitting next to Harry. Tilly decides she wants to join us and lays her head across my lap and I rub her head gently. 

"Like what?" Harry says, pulling his hoodie sleeves down over his hands.

I open the bag and pull out a face mask cream and hold it out for him to see. 

"Really?" He asks and picks up the jar "You want to put this on me?" 

I pull out the cheap make up brush I bought out of the plastic bag and nod my head, before discarding the now empty bag on the floor. 

"What do you reckon, Tilly?" He asks the dog while scratching her ears "She said we should wait til morning and H will find comfy clothes and look after you, how does that sound?"

I smile at him and agree, I'm tired as well. 

"So, how was Cali?" He says in his bad american accent

"Good and bad" I sigh and lean on him

"What happened?" He asks "Gus's mum?"

"Yup" I groan "All she wanted to do was talk about her unborn grandchild and how August should spend more time with me instead of travelling to different countries all the time. Then when Gus tried to explain to her it's his job she would cut him off and talk about how his father wanted him to be a doctor or lawyer instead"

H takes in my rant and says "What else did she say? Surely she said nice things?"

"Yeah, but not much" I look up at him "It was backhanded compliments directed at August, like 'You're wife is so gorgeous, I don't know how you ended up with her when all you do is paint and travel, leaving her with her famous friend' and just stupid little remarks and always wanted to touch my belly" 

He laughs and puts his arm around me, causing Matilda to jump off and walk away to her half empty food bowel. "OK, but you said they were good things too?"

"I mean yeah, we went to the beach and cafe's" I rub my eyes "I'll show you pictures tomorrow I'm tired"

We stand up and start walking towards the stairs. 

"Stay" I tell the dog, and she does what she's told and lays down on Harry's couch where she will sleep.

"Why does she have to stay?" He asks, starting to walk up the steps

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