Forty Two ; Two Weeks and I'll be home

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(about a week after the last chapter! The gaps are getting short because we are mean and know you want Harry and baby content but just wait hehe)

"Where are we putting this?" Harry asks, pointing to little bookshelf, still in it's box leaning against the wall.

"Over here" I point to the spot next to the big chair we had moved from the lounge room and up here, well Harry dragged it up the steps. It was bad idea picking the upstairs bedroom to the babies, but it's too late now.

"So...What color are we painting the walls?" He asks, leaning against the recently assembled wooden cot and brushing his hair back.

"We aren't" I say, reading the instructions on how to put the draws together, "leaving them off-white but having pictures and stuff on the walls"

"Ok first of all" Harry says, squatting next to me on the floor, "August can do that because we're hopeless" He points to the paper in my hands, that's true, Me and H won't be builders anytime soon, "Second, you can't leave the walls white! That's boring" He groans and plonks himself on the floor next to me.

"Tell you what" I smile at him and put the instructions on the floor in front of us "When we find out the gender, than we can paint the walls blue or pink?"

"Why can't we just paint them pastel pink now" He suggests "Or yellow? Or green? Or get some pretty wallpaper? Oooh we could have a-"

Suddenly, an idea hits me and I know exactly what I want on the walls.

"Gus!" I yell and cut Harry off, who scoffs at me.

"Yeah?" He says distantly from the bedroom

"Come here, please"

August walks into the room and sits on the chair, watching us on the floor.

"Everything looks really good so far" He nods and looks around the room.

I stand up on my knees and shuffle over to him, resting my arms on his knees.

"I have 2 favors to ask" I start "Number 1, can you please put together the rest of the furniture because Harry is hopeless"

"Shut up, so are you" He mutters

"And then" I continue, ignoring Harry "Can you paint a mural on the wall in here?" I point to the wall behind him, It's opposite to the cot so the baby will be able to see it's father's amazing art when it wakes up.

He sighs and then smiles "OK...Of what?"

I turn to H to see if he has any ideas but he's on his phone, probably looking at baby clothes or toys like always.

"Surprise me" I smile up at him "Not right now, after everything is set up and under control"

"I'd love too" He grins and stands up, sitting next to Harry, and picks up the screw driver. Harry puts his phone back in his hoodie pocket and sighs.

"Alright Bob the builder" He laughs "How's this shit done?"

I stand in the door way an look around, nearly all the furniture has been completed since this morning and the boys sit in the middle of the floor on the rug putting together the little table. They don't notice me at first, just chatting with each other as Harry passes Gus parts and watches him screw them together.

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