100 ; everybody lost somebody

66 0 0

(chapters are going to a have numbers now hehe..also wowowow 100! - P) 

I run up the steps and into the hallway, Harry's door is ajar and I peak in. 

Little shit is still asleep, blankets pulled over him and facing opposite me, not for long I need his brain to write a song. I walk into his room and kneel next to him on the bed, shaking his shoulders gently. 

"Harry Styles, Harry, Hazza, Haz, H" I shake him a little harder when there is no response "why do you have some many fucking names?" 

He mumbles something I can't understand, pulling the cover over his head and I move closer to him, resting my hands on his side. Nope, not happening today. 

"Yo...get up" I laugh, giving him another shake and he sighs, rolls over onto his back and rubs his eyes and then covers his face from the light that's now pouring into the room since I got up and opened the curtains. 

"Ave" He murmurs and I open his closet, throwing a T shirt at him. 

"Hmm?" I hum, turning back around to him, now sitting up and rubbing his eyes is with his knuckles. 

"Do.. do you know what day it is?" He asks, running his hand through his wild curls. 

"I absolutely do, and I've written a song about it" I force a smile, I knew he would know but it hits me right in the chest. 

"2 years" He says quietly, I think it was to himself but I responded. 

"Yeah, 2 years.. and in  2 minutes I want you up and down in the lounge room with your guitar"

"You're bossy" He mutters, pulling on the black shirt I tossed him and standing out of bed. 

"Good, you'll like this one" 

5 minutes later, Harry meets me down in the lounge room, black jeans and top and his hair a little more tamed. He sits on the couch, handing me his guitar but I put it down on the ground and he looks a me with an interested but confused expression. 

"So, what's the song about?" He asks and I open my notebook and pass him the unfinished lyrics. 

"So, it's basically about how everyone in the world has lost someone. How every person has experienced grief and how we felt in LA after his funeral, knowing when we got back home there was going to be a lot of pain. So, Harry please write honestly with me?" 

He sighs, rubbing his hands up and down his face before nodding "Yeah, alright chuck me a pen"

We skip breakfast, spending a few hours on the floor of the lounge room, kneeling at the table, scrunching up paper, changing lyrics and singing different things. Harry plays a few different things before I decide on one I like, but I don't like it that much still before Harry jokingly mentions a saxophone and then that kind of sticks, even though known of us own one but we can work on that later. 

"I'm showering" I declare, standing up and walking into Harry's bathroom. 

I think for a while has the hot water runs over me, about this song and the album in general. 

It really makes you think that every person you see and talk to, has lost someone close to them. They've all experienced pain. Me and Harry are't alone with our grief, because everybody has gone through the same thing. Harry wrote some of it, too. Thankfully, he did what I wanted him to do and was honest with how he was feeling.

 After he got over the initial fear of judgement, he wrote some amazing stuff. Initially, he was a little worried about the honesty of this album. We would be sharing fans so much, they would see a small glimpse into our lives after we lost our best friend. After a small chat, we worked out that it would be OK, that he would be OK with everyone knowing a part of our (up until release) private lives. 

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