thirteen ; sweet creature

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Harry Styles sits in the studio, ready to finish his debut album. I sit across from him, absentmindedly dancing my fingers over the piano keys.

I play a G, C, Bm and G, creating a chord progression. Mitch's eyes shoot up at me, Harry's soon following. "What are you playing?" Mitch asks, leaning forward to pick up his guitar from the floor.

"Oh, uh, I made it up just then its..." I list off the chords to him, listening as he copies them with the guitar. He adds a string picking pattern, smiling to himself.

Harry looks between us, "that sounds great; it gives me Beetles vibes. Ya know, like Blackbird?"

Mitch nods, "yeah... I like it. Nice job, Avery. You should stick around more often..." He chuckles, looking to Harry. Harry smiles, agreeing.

The two continue the song, gaining help from more people around the studio. I stay on my seat at the piano, mostly scrolling on my phone. It was amazing how fast they could create once they had something going. With a working chord progression that I helped make, all Harry had to do was grab his journal, flip through the pages and begin making melodies. And being the professional he is, he was soon singing and writing new things down.

Sweet creature. Had another talk about where it's going wrong. But we're still young... we don't know where we're going, but we know where we belong.

I asked him a few times what it was about, but all he did in response was smile. "You'll see, Ave." he says, before turning to a producer and slipping the headphones back over his head, "replay that last part again, please."

Sweet creature, sweet creature. Wherever I go, you bring me home. Sweet creature, sweet creature. When I run out of road, you bring me home.

Whenever he sung into the large microphone in the recording room, I couldn't help but smile. I stay at my seat, leaning forwards on the closed piano. "You really love him, don't you?" A voice says. I turn and see Mitch, replicating the same smile I have.

I hum in response, "of course I do, Mitch. He's my best friend... my soulmate. I wouldn't trade him for the world."

Mitch nods thoughtfully, "you two have so much... care... for each other. I'm glad you're able to look after him. He deserves someone like that in his life."

I know, Mitch. Trust me... I know. I look back to Harry, seeing as he slides off the headphones and gives the two of us a peppy thumbs up with both of his hands. Mitch and I mimic him in unison. "He's a special kid." I don't take my eyes off him, "I'm lucky to have him, honestly."

From the Dining Table ends, and I can't help but look to Harry with tears in my eyes. I grab his hand, letting the first tear fall.

"What?!" he says worriedly, turning completely to face me. He envelopes my one hand in his two, "what's wrong, Ave?" he scans my face as I push him a lopsided smile.

"I- I am so fucking proud of yo-ou, Harry Styles" I sniffle, laughing a little at my stupidity, "I shouldn't even by crying, I... I'm just so amazed at what you've done. You're evolving, Harry. Just like you wanted to." I wipe my eyes with my spare hand. I think back to the conversation we had years ago. 

It felt like just yesterday I was braiding his hair, talking about what it meant to evolve. Not long after that conversation, the official hiatus for the whole of One Direction was announced. Fans were devastated- and I must admit- I was a little too, but I knew that it was going to be the best for him. It was the means for him to evolve into a new person.

Harry squeezes my hand tighter for a moment, before bringing it quickly to his lips. "Thank you, Ave. I would have not been able to do this album without you. I would not have been able to do any of this without you."

"Don't thank me, Haz. This was all you. All I did was whisper some words of advice when you needed it the most." It was true. I told him words I knew he needed to hear; words true from my heart. It was ruining him doing the same routine every day.

 It was ruining him to be what everyone else wanted him to be. He needed to break his own mold; be the man he wants to be deep down. And while I know he isn't quite there yet, he is certainly on his way.

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