101 ; sea of yellow

54 0 0

(it's hard to imagine the boys when they're like 40 but wait until they get really old..this chapter is really fun though)

"Happy birthday to you!" We all sing, standing around the second birthday cake of the night, we had one during the day and now a second one has been whipped out from god knows where. 

"Happy birthday Nialler" I hug him after the candles have been blown out "big 40"

"No, shh" He laughs heartily, shaking his head "I feel old" 

"You are" A hand claps him on the back and Liam is standing next to him. 

"Shut the fuck up, we're the same age" Niall snaps, the grin on his face ruining the pissed off act. 

"Calm down, Ireland" Liam raises his eyebrows, he's right. Niall's accent is way more prominent after a few beers. 

"Hey, Avery" Liam finally acknowledges me. 

"Hey" I smile back, leaning against Niall's wall and fiddling with my ring from Harry and tapping my foot to the music. 

We're having a party and I haven't been to one in years. There was a lunch for his birthday (where the first cake was) but now the drinking and laughs and music are coming in. I bought Delilah to the lunch, but not to this one. 

I only know the boys, their wives and a few of Niall's friends, like Ashe and Lewis, so I know Lilah would not enjoy it here. Plus, it's really overwhelming and I've been here for an hour. I don't even know where Harry is, who I am used to following like a toddler at these kinds of events. Niall's house is packed, people dancing and drinking and singing. It's just..a lot for me. I haven't been in a room with this many people since Louis died. 

Niall offers to stay until I find Harry but I tell him sternly that I'm a grown ass woman and can manage and to enjoy his night, which he does. He walks off with a grin and singing the song that's blaring though the speaker. 

Harry finally appears, a piece of cake on a napkin and a pale yellow suit. 

"Hey banana" I smile, almost in relief.

"Hi pineapple" 

The theme was yellow, don't know why but everybody had to wear yellow so I'm in a yellow dress I had to buy yesterday and gold jewelry. 

"I don't look like a pineapple!" I argued, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"No, suppose you don't" He agreed, god how pissed was he if he was agreeing with me? 

The night goes on and I sit on the couch most of the night, honestly tired and ready to crash in Niall's spare bed. I watch Harry mingle with everyone, making sure to never leave my eyesight in case I need him. He's good in social situation, watching out for me here since they are so many people and I know like 10. Not that I don't trust Niall's friends and work buddies, I'm just a very private person and don't want to end up in the background of some celebrities Instagram story.

The night will probably get easier, if it weren't for everyone offering me drinks and the couple that's decided the lounge room corner was a good place to make out. Liam walks up them, shooing them away and smiling at me. I sit there for a while, scrolling though my phone before I decide I need some fresh air.  

I stand up and walk towards Harry and lean into his hear so he can hear me. 

"I'm going upstairs to the deck" 

He nods his head, curls over his forehead and someone already pulling on his arm to chat but he shakes them off  "want me to come?" 

"No, it's fine" I answer, glancing to the men nagging him to turn back around to them. It's fucking pissing me off and I'm not jealous, more frustrated they think they own him. 

Moments || H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ