seventy ; familiar

71 0 0

(Switching it up again, this chapter is from Louis' perspective)

"Yeah, I'm just getting on the plane now" I say into the phone and walk out the door of the airport and towards the plane, the wind making it hard to ear her voice. 

"OK, can't wait to see you" Ave says from my phone and I smile a little. 

"You too, love" I hang up and the phone and board the plane. 

The trip is boring, including a lot of staring out the window and listening to music. LA to England has never been my favorite trip but it's worth it to see Harry and Avery again for a few days. I haven't seen them in months and can't wait to see how much Lilah has grown. The last time I was over was for Harry's birthday back in February, it was a really good time too. 

Eventually, the plane lands and I get a taxi to Ave's place, knowing Harry will probably be there too. He's always there every time I face time either of them, they're together. Completely inseparable and good luck to anyone that gets in the way of that. 

Ave would bite anyone's head clean off if they did one thing wrong to Harry, and he would defend her with his life. It's the kind of friendship you only read about, but there connection runs deeper then just basic friends. But they reserve that story for the people they trust the most, though and I was lucky enough to watch that all develop. Sometimes on tour I would just watch them, not creepy but with admiration as they laughed or chatted or took pictures of each other. 

It's always been 'Harry and Ave' for as long as I've known, they're a pair. When shit was happening on tour and they were getting in trouble it was 'Harry and Ave did this', always together and I think always will be. It's quite fascinating, the way they are connected. It's like that friendship was meant to be formed. 

I walk in the front door of Avery's house, it's early morning about 8 am and I hear her call out from the kitchen. 

"Lou?" She comes into the entrance and greets me with a warm hug. 

"Hey, Ave" I laugh and hug her back, she's wearing a hoodie and ripped jeans. It's what I always remember her wearing on tours. 

"I'm so glad you're here" She says and lets go of me "You're freezing, come inside I've got the heater on"

It's only early November, but it's really cold in England right now. She leads me into the lounge room and walks off to make us coffees. I sit in the chair closet to the heater and look around the lounge room. Ave and Gus have done a fantastic job at decorating with different shades of gold decor and it feels like a home, but also fabulous with pinks and grays. Which sums up both of them pretty well. 


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"August and Delilah are in bed still, being a Saturday and Harry will be over soon"

I take the drink from her hands and lean back in the couch, feeling myself become more relaxed in her presence. I've known her nearly as long as Harry and she's always been there for all the boys so we all have a lot of love for her. But of course, Harry does the most. I'll never forget her crying backstage after One Direction's last concert in Harry's arms. She knew she wasn't going to see the boys as much and that the band was over.

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