six ; cotton candy

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Harry picks me up in the late afternoon instead of morning, he had band stuff that came up. I get in the car and he smiles the second he sees me. That's something I love about Haz- he always makes you feel loved, even when you don't love yourself in that moment. He leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and I put my seat belt on and slump back in the chair. 

"How did you sleep?" He asks, and I know he isn't just making small talk, he genuinely cares about his friends. 

"It was good." I lie with a small smile, but he picks up on it immanently. Crap.

"You're lying, Ave." he says, glancing at me quickly while he starts to drive. The car is quiet for a while as I try to think of something to say in response to being called out. 

"How did you know?" 

"I can tell" He says casually. Of course he can. I don't say anything for a while and stare out the window at the people, if only they knew who was in the car going past them. 

"I know you were thinking about me starting to tour with the band," he says, breaking the silence. I nod my head and keep looking out the window. "It's going to be okay, we can still keep in touch."

"what if you forget about me?" I  say, finally getting it off my chest, "what if you can't find time with performing and practices and photo shoots to talk to me and I don't hear from you-"

"Avery." Harry interrupts my ranting sternly, "I will ALWAYS have time for you." reassuring me slightly. He puts the car radio to calm me down, he knows it always works. But what if he does forget about me? Eventually we pull up in the fair car park and he holds my car door open, such a gentleman. 

We walk hand in hand into the fair and I am amazed how beautiful and exciting it is. From the huge Ferris wheel, to the side show alleys and games. The smell of pop corn and marshmallows lingers in the air. Girls walking around with cotton candy, and little boys running to get to race cars. The atmosphere is so magical and I feel all my anxieties wash away. 

I look at Harry and see the flashing lights reflecting off his face. He grabs my hand tighter and smiles widely. Grinning with excitement like a little kid, he takes me straight to the hot dog stand and buys 2. We sit on a bench and eat the hot dogs while taking in our surroundings.

 I look at him how am I going to deal with not seeing my best friend for 6 months? He notices me staring and, I swear this man can read my mind, because he puts his arm around my shoulders and suggests we go on a ride. 

We have been at the fair around 2 hours when we decide to have a go at some of the games for stuffed prizes. We start at the shooting wooden ducks one with no luck, we both have horrible aim. So we swiftly move on to the shooing basketball hoops, the same problem. We laugh at our misfortunes and walk over to some others. A stand catches harry's eye and he squeezes my arm and leads me other there. 

It's a hammer. Of course. The classic if you hit the thing hard enough with the thing you get a big prize. Harry looks at me with pure joy in his eyes. The kind he gets when he really loves something.

"I thought these were only on movies!" he says with a laugh. 

I encourage him to give it a go, so he walks to it and picks up the hammer. He looks a me to make sure I am watching him and swings it down on the button.. Nope, wasn't hard enough. He tries again..and again..and again. Oh god we are going to be here all night I think quietly, until eventually I hear him cheer and woo. The worker hands him his prize, a huge stuffed panda.

He looks at me with a cheeky grin and then shoves the huge toy into my arms. I am taken back but wrap my arms around it to hold it. 

"Here" he smiles, the dimples on his cheeks getting higher, "it's for you" I return the smile and  put the panda on the ground briefly so I can hug him, he is taller than me so I can easily put my head on his chest. I pick the panda back up and offer to buy him some cotton candy before we go home.

We walk towards his car holding sticks of cotton candy, giggling and smiling like little girls. Nothing else can get my attention like Harry's laugh. Once again, he opens the car door for me and I sit in the car waiting for him to get in the drivers seat. 

"When are you going to get your licence" he says, playfully poking me in the shoulder "so I don't have to drive everywhere"

I laugh and say "hmm i don't know, maybe I like having my own personal taxi." A smile lights up on his face, causing his dimples to go higher and he starts the car and drives me back home. He walks me up to my front door to make sure I get there safely and thanks me for another great night. I look into his eyes and smile, how did i get so lucky and once again Harry reads my mind and give me a gentle hug before walking back to his car and driving off. 

I go up to my room an put the huge stuffed panda on my bed. He is such a sweetheart I think to myself as I turn my light off and get into bed. 

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