Fifty Two ; Hey There Delilah

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(Harry's POV) 

I tap my foot impatiently on the cold waiting room floor, and look around at my surroundings, it's boring and bland. It's also dark outside and the only people in this room are me and a young woman wearing a hoodie over her head on her phone. It's cold in here, I pull my jacket tighter around me and look down at the clean ground. 

I'm not allowed in, husband and mother only is the new hospital policy. After arguing with the nurse for a bit I gave up and have been sitting here for about an hour. I know my best friend is in this hospital, having her first baby somewhere and I can't be there. I sigh and pick at my already chipped nail polish. No rings or Gucci today, I came in a rush and I don't care how I look. The nurse had earlier assured me that she knew I was here, and that Ave wasn't happy about the situation either, but I can go in the second she's born. 

I lean my head back on the wall and try to control my nerves. My leg shakes up and down and each time the door opens a cold breeze comes through the room causing me to shiver. It's November 16th 2023, and it's sure to be a day we'll remember. 

Minutes turn to hours as I scroll aimlessly on my phone and stare at the TV. I've been told multiple times it's best to go home and come back in the morning, but I insisted to be in there the second I could. I want to tell Avery how amazing she is and congratulate August and hug Ave's mother. I want to see family. 

I have to stop myself from texting the boys, Ave wants a surprise announcement, she loves surprises but only when they aren't for her. It takes everything in me to not call Louis and tell him Ave is having the baby right now, because I know he would be just as excited as me and tell Niall the blabber mouth who would tell Liam, who would tell Zayn, who would tell Louis, who would have already known. So it's best to wait until Avery is ready. 

"Harry?" A gentle voice grabs my attention, I must have fallen asleep. 

"Hm, yeah?" I sit up and brush the hair out of my face and see a brunette nurse stand next to me. 

"Ave would like to see you know" She smiles warmly at me and I feel butterflies in my stomach, a mix of nerves and excitement. 

"Is she here?" I ask as I stand up and put my jacket on "The baby?" 

"Yes, dear" She says to me "And she's beautiful, follow me" 

I follow her down a hallway with my hands nervously behind my back, biting the inside of my lip as the sound of her shoe taps echo through the hallway, the only sound apart from my pounding heart that I swear she can hear. 

She stops just outside a door and smiles kindly at me "Everyone is probably asleep considering it's 2 in the morning, but I promised I would let you in as soon as I can" 

She smiles at me again and walks away, turning the corner and leaving me in front of the door. I take a deep breathe. It's just Ave and Gus and Ave's mum... and the baby. 

I reach out, my hands shaking slightly, and hoping the door, stepping into the room. 

"Hey" I hear a soft and quiet voice and see Avery in the bed, smiling at me. August sleeps in the chair in the corner with Ave's mum sitting next to a smaller bed, peering inside with a smile. When she notices me standing there she gets up and hugs me. 

"Hey, Rose" I say to her, hugging her gently and feeling her motherly love for me. I'm a part of this family. 

"Hello, darling" She says when she lets go "Ave's been waiting" 

I turn back to Avery and walk over to her, kissing her gently on the forehead. 

"Hey" I finally reply to her initial greeting "How are you?"

"Over the moon" She whispers and I hear stirring and turn to see August sitting up. 

"Hey man" He says quietly "She's here" He points to the smaller bed and I look back at Ave, who smiles at me warmly. 

August stands up and reaches into the cot and when his hands come into view again they hold a small bundle of blankets. 

"Hold out your arms, H" He says and I do. 

He places it in my arms and I look down. A tiny face stares back at me, deep blue eyes like August and my own green eyes fill with tears. She looks so small in my big hands, her tiny fingers reach for my hand and wrap around my thumb. 

"Harry, this is Delilah" Ave says gently and I stroke the side of her face with my thumb, she's so fragile I'm scared to hurt her. But she's perfect. Absolutely perfect. 

"Like the song?" I ask, not taking my eyes of Delilah as looks into my soul. 

"Yeah, like the song" Ave says quietly "Delilah Rose Hill" 

"Hey there Delilah"  I sing quietly causing August to chuckle "What's it like in New York City?" 

I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and finally look up to see Ave's mother. 

"She got my name..Rose" She says and I smile. "Ave has my full name, but apparently Delilah  Rosemary was too long" 

"It's a beautiful name" I nod at them proudly "Prefer just Lilah" I add jokingly, even though I already have a different nickname picked out for her for months. 

I feel Avery's eyes on me as I pass her back to August and walk back over to the bed. 

"You're amazing, you know that?" I tell Ave with tears sitting in my eyes. 

"You're not crying are you Harry?" She smirks and I shake my head. 

"So what if I am, I'm happy" 

Really fucking happy. 

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