eleven ; Lights Up

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(This is one of my favorite chapters (edit : better ones lol) , It took me a while to write so I hope you love it just as much as I do. P x)

My phone rings, it's harry. I swipe to answer and he sounds super excited and it immanently rubs off onto me.  

"Avery! get your butt over to my place so I can show you what I have done!" he says into the phone, oh no what has he bought online now \

"You're really gonna love this, I promise!" and then hangs up the phone quickly. I guess I am going to Harry's, so I put on my comfortable hoodie and slip on sneakers, and tell my parents I am going to stay the night at his.

My folks love harry, I think they see him like a son they never had. He loves them too, he is the politest man ever to Mum, and always thanks her when she cooks him dinner and does the dishes for her. Dad says the way he treats women and children is incredible and he enjoys his company and jokes. 

My parents know Harry is my best friend and nothing more, which is good because they don't pressure us into dating, especially since the love we have is not romantic.I guess they have to love him because they let me tour with the band.. 

"OK, Hun" my Mum yells from the kitchen "drive safe, love you" I tell her that I love her too and pick up my car keys off the table near the front door. I go to open up the front door,but Benji, our golden retriever, comes bounding up to me and jumps on my legs.

 We got him a few months back and he has already grown so big, Harry loves him so much, they are best friends. I give Benji a rough pat and a quick belly rub and tell him i'll be back tomorrow. He looks at me, tilting his head and sticking his tongue out. "Good boy"

I arrive at Harry's place and before I can even make it to the door, he swings its open and pulls me inside with the cheekiest grin on his face, making his dimples deeper in his cheeks. His long hair is a mess and I can't help but smile too.  "You won't believe this, Ave" he says and takes me up the stairs and we stop outside the guest bedroom door. 

"well Ave, open the door" he says, getting slightly impatient. I twist the door knob and push open the door. I let out a gasp, holy shit this beautiful.

"Do you look like it?" Harry asks, I take a look around the room, he has hung a white sheets on the walls and put fairy lights all around the room, on a table in front of the bed covered in cozy looking blankets, is a projector connected to his laptop.

He walks into the room and beckons me in "Step into the light"

I laugh and follow him, closing the door behind us. 

 "How long did this take you" I ask, the fairy lights twinkle in the reflection of his eyes as he smiles. "couple hours to put the lights up, thought we could watch movies in here, what do you reckon?" I laugh and tell him I would love that. 

For the next few hours we drink hot chocolate and bowels of popcorn under the blanket. Watching Disney movies with my head on Harry's shoulder is where I want to be every night forever. Be so sweet if things just stayed the same. 

After watching 2 movies we decide to turn it off, and go to sleep. But we don't asleep. I lay there staring at the lights twinkling when I say, "Harry, do you know who you are?"

he thinks for a little bit for replying curiously "what do you mean?"

"You know who you really are, apart from the world famous singer Harry Styles from One Direction, selling out arenas and making girls cry." I turn my head and look up at him "who are you really?

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