four ; when stars align

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"Do you believe in soulmates?" I ask distantly, looking up at the night sky.

The stars are twinkling almost cinematically. It's as if the sky is smiling back at us, proud of how far we have come. I play with the hem of my sweater as I lay there, deep in thought. I see harry turn to me in my peripheral vision.

"I mean, yeah... I do." He waits for me to look at him before continuing, "but not really in the way everyone else does." I nod in response, knowing that he isn't done speaking. Harry licks his lips, taking a moment to collect his thoughts on the matter as he looks back to the sky. I feel him move a little closer to me.

"I don't think a soulmate is someone who completes you per say; not just someone you are in lust- or love- with. Like sure, that happens, but to me it's more so someone you can resonate deeply with; someone that is a true counterpart in your life and can help you grow. To me, a soulmate is someone who understands you and whatever baggage you may have. It's not necessarily someone who exacts your way of living, but instead someone who completes it. I like to use the term platonic soulmates, too. I think it describes exactly what I mean."

"Wow..." I paused before speaking quietly, a ghost of a smile reaching my lips.

That boy... always full of surprises. I continue with my follow up question, "do you think you've found your soulmate?"

"Honestly?" He sits up a little, leaning backwards onto his elbows.


"I think you're my platonic soulmate, Ave." he says casually, "seriously. We've known each other for what- 11 months? I don't think I have ever clicked with someone this easily as you in my 17 years of living."

I sit up too, leaning my head on his shoulder. I try to ignore the pounding of my heart in my chest. How is he so good with words? "I agree. It feels like we've been friends for our whole lives..."

"Best friends." He corrects, nudging me slightly. I can hear the grin in his voice. I can't help but let out a loud laugh, laying back down fully once again. There is a silence, but I don't think either of us mind. Harry lays himself down again too, his fingers lacing with mine.

You know the saying when stars align?  When things have come together just right? I mean, almost everyone at least knows of it- it's a saying that's been thrown around for generations. As I lay here with Harry, the feeling of his hands intertwined with mine as we stare up at the sky, I can't help but think that they have.

 He was right; we've known each other for just under a year, but it feels like we have spent decades by the others side. I have never felt this sort of connection with anyone before. My life now has a permanent Harry Styles shaped dent in it, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The stars are aligning- well, they have aligned, in my favour. I just hope they stay that way forever.

"You know you're really good with words, right?" I eventually voice my thoughts from earlier, raising our hands to rest on my stomach. He doesn't take long to respond.

"I have been told that before, yes." He chuckles softly, "almost as if I'm a musician in a band that writes songs."

"You know what I mean!" I groan, "Who made you a poet?!"

"poeta nascitur, non fit, Ave."

I let go of his hand, looking to him in pure disbelief, "excuse me what? What just came out of your mouth?"

"poeta nascitur, non fit . The poet is born, not made. It's Lati-"

"Okay I have enough of your brain for tonight." I get up from the grass, wiping off my legs. I hold out my hand to Harry who still on the ground. He rolls his eyes at me, grinning, taking my hand to help him up.

We walk from the backyard into my house, being met by my cheerful mother in the kitchen. By the way she's looking at us, I think she heard the whole thing. There's a twinkle in her eye as she smiles knowingly, "hey, you two."

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