Fifty Five ; Sun, Moon and Stars

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(Bit shit but oh well)

I place the cake in front of Harry, it's blue and white with big 30 candles in the middle, surrounded by little swirls. I made it this morning for his birthday, I'm proud of I've been cooking a lot more lately for us, August especially loves it.  I cook dinners most night, expect when Harry demands I sit down from being on my feet all day or if August wants to cook. 

"Make a wish old man" I smile at him. 

He leans forward and blows both the candles out the with one quick blow. 

"What did you wish for?" I ask and cut him a piece of it on a plate and slide it over to him, he picks it up and stands up, sitting at down at the table next to August and Zayn. 

"Can't tell you because it won't come true" he say with a bit of sass and I roll my eyes and cut myself a piece, before sitting next to him and the boys at the table. 

"Who made this cake?" Louis asks and August points to me with a proud smile. "It's fucking good" He takes another bite and smiles warmly. He's so sweet. 

"Happy birthday Haz" A voice says and we turn to see Liam and Niall coming into the room and sitting next to us. 

"Thank you" Harry smiles at their familiar faces "feel a bit old"

"Nah, we're older than you here..expect Ave" Zayn points out and we nod our heads and keep eating the cake. 

"Fuck, Lou is right this is good" Niall says and Louis nods his head quickly in agreement. 

After cake we all decide to head over to Harry's backyard because he has a fire pit, so we sit around, warming our hands in front of it and for some reason Louis and Zayn are toasting marshmallows on sticks from the tree. 

"Want one" Louis asks with a smile. The fire casts are red-orange light on his face and his tattoos are out, you would think this would make him look intimidating, but it's hard to be scared of someone holding a bag of marshmallows in one and a stick in the other. 

"I suppose" I say and he chucks me the one he was already cooking and I watch Harry talk too Niall enthusiastically, huge smiles on their faces. This is the kind of life I want forever, all of us together like old times and outside of the cameras and lights, it's just us in Harry's backyard quietly celebrating his birthday. 

The sun is completely set now, and the drinks have started to come out. I'm not drinking, so I lean back in my chair and look at the stars, listening to the boys laugh with each other. It's crazy to think they all have such an amazing bond even after the band broke up, we hardly get to see them, and if we do not all 5 of them together and I know Harry would like to change that, but there isn't much we can do about it since we are all busy. 

August puts his arm around Niall and they sing together, their accents mixing together. Harry comes up behind me and I feel his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. We have a baby sitter for Delilah so we can fun tonight without worrying about her or going home early, I'm spending the night with Harry and August is going back home later, we booked her again for my 30th as well. 

"You right old man?" I asks and look at him, kissing him gently on the cheek. I can smell the alcohol in his breath but I don't mind that much, there are very few people I can tolerate drunk and they all in front of me right now. 

"I always forget you're not pregnant anymore" He says and I laugh a little. 

"How about we go inside?" I ask him and he nods his eyes, letting go of me and heading into the lounge room, plonking myself down onto his couch and crossing my legs. Harry sits next to me, his head on my shoulder and we stay like that for a while, listening to the music and the boys voices as they celebrate Harry's birthday without him. He doesn't mind though, I can tell he misses spending time with me like this and I do too. 

I wish I could have more nights like this, but having a baby takes up a lot of my time. I wouldn't change it though, I love Delilah to pieces. 

Louis comes running up to me, singing the music blasting through the speaker which happens to be his own. He stops just in front of me and Harry. H gets up and hugs him, patting him on the back with a drunken grin. 

"What's that for?" Louis asks when he lets go. 

"For being a good friend for so many years" Harry says emotionally. 

"Oh god, you're pissed" Lou laughs and I pull Harry to sit back next to me and he does, collapsing down and laying down across the couch, head in my lap. I lean down and kiss his forehead and his eyes flutter open.  

"Harry, it's only 11 and you're already drunk?" I laugh and looks up at me. 

"Why aren't you drinking?" He asks and rubs his eyes. 

"Something about not wanting a hangover and having to be a mother again tomorrow" I reply. 

"Oh yeah, can I see Delilah?" He asks gently and I shake my head "Why not?" 

"Tomorrow" I move his hair out of his face and he sits up slowly when he hears Zayn coming quickly yelling for him. 

"Harry! Harry!" He yells and drags Harry up and into the kitchen "Come look what Liam has done" Jesus what has he done?

I stand up and quickly follow him, finding multi-colored glass and liquid all over the floor and Liam looking dumb founded, shaking his head and staring at the mess. 

"What happened?" I asks and move Louis away from the glass as he's stumbling around a bit. 

"Liam was dancing and the knocked the vase over and in panic he dropped his drink as well so now there is glass and beer everywhere" Niall explained, he seems the least drunk out of all of them right now. 

"Sorry Harry" Liam mumbles and leans against the wall, rubbing his head. 

"It's alright mate" Harry shrugs "Ugly fucking thing anyway" 

Niall offers to clean it and I don't argue, either does Harry, who gets another drink and holds it up.

"I'm fucking 30!" He yells are the other boys cheer, taking sips from their drinks as well. 

We all spend a few more hours partying and laughing. It's a great night, I didn't even need to drink to enjoy their company. The 5 of them just radiant happiness, especially Louis, him and Harry talk and have fun all night and it hits me. Sun, moon and stars. Louis is our sun, he's the beacon of light and happiness that shines bright in the dark. 

I lie on the couch with Harry, it's early morning now, the sun might even rise soon. He's fairly sober now and I look at him. His eyes are closed but he's not asleep, just resting now all the boys are gone and it's just us and Lou, who is actually asleep on the other couch, a blanket over the top of him. 

"Ave" Harry whispers quietly, the only light from the kitchen shining into the lounge room. The only sound the clock faintly ticking and Louis' breathing. 

"Yeah?" I ask and rest my head on his chest and pull the blanket over me, August went home to Delilah about 12, I have no clue what time it is now but I'm tired. 

"can you believe I'm 30 and next month you will be too?" He asks and grabs my hand, locking his fingers with mine and I feel the coldness of his rings against my fingers. 

"Yes and no" I answer honestly 

"Why's that?" He asks groggily, he's tired too. 

"Yes because it feels like I've known you forever, we're soulmates. And no because you're so young at heart that it's hard to think someone like you could be half way to 60"

"That last part was unnecessary" He whispers and I laugh. 

"Happy birthday Harry" 

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