twenty one ; pretty boy

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"H, come on!" I ask him again for what feels like the hundredth time, "please just once then I'll leave you alone." 

Harry takes a deep breathe in and looks at me with a smile. He shakes his head and says, "fine... but be quick, Avery."

 I stand up and run off to my bedroom to get the nail polishes, and when I come back, he is already sitting at the kitchen bench on his phone. He notices me and puts it back in his pocket, 

"Come on, then..." he says laughing and pulling his hoodie sleeves up and taking his rings off. 

I basically skip to him, putting the bag of polishes down and sit on the stool next to him

 "What color, Mr Styles? Pink and blue? Like the album?" I start putting the bottles in a line in front of him. 

"Yeah that one,"  he says pointing to the red. 

"Ooh, red. Like the lights in medicine," I say with and slight eyebrow raise, "I like that one." I put the other bottles back in the bag. I see his cheeks in the corner of my eye go slightly pink as he plays with the back of his hair. I've seen some interesting performances of medicine but it is my favorite song he's written because of that. 

 "Yeah, me too." he kind of mumbles, obviously tired. He had a huge day and I'm trying to help him relax a little... releasing a new album soon must be stressful, the album is amazing. He's not sure if people will like the new music, since some of his older songs like Sign Of The Times did so well, I assure him they will but I know it doesn't stop him worrying. 

"Give me your hand," I say, holding mine out. He puts his hand in mine- I give his a small squeeze and smile. 

We talk casually as I paint his nails bright red. 

"So, How's Gus?" harry asks. He gave August the nickname, and he seems to love it, calling him "Haz" in return. They really hit it off and Harry always asks about him and when he is coming up. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend and best friend. 

"Why, do you have  crush on him?" I ask jokingly to see his reaction, and to my surprise, he is pretty chill about it. 

"No, Ave." he says shaking his head with a small smile, "but can you hurry up and finish this?" he says, gesturing with his head to my hands carefully painting his nails. 

"You can't rush art, Harry." I reply, dipping the brush back into the bottle for more polish.

He realizes and says, "Sorry I've been a bit of a bitch today." 

I explain to him that's completely understandable and it seems to help his mood a little. The truth is, he has been working his ass off on new music for months in time for his second album, and i'm so proud of how well he is doing with his career. I mean, it's not everyday your best friends are world famous musicians and still have time to see you and your family like normal. Well... as close as "normal" can be is when your friends are the members of the worlds biggest boy band. 

After a while, I screw the cap back on and put it in the bag again, "your nails are done."

Harry looks down at his now bright red nails and reaches for his phone in his pocket.

 "Stop! You're gonna smudge it." I yell, grabbing his hand and putting it back on the bench. 

"How long do I have to wait?" he sighs, clearly getting inpatient now. 

"Until it dries." I reply, standing up to take the bag back to my room. I hear him groan as I turn the corner and go up the stairs. I can't get mad at him for having an attitude, he's been slaving away at this new music for months, perfecting every last detail. I watched him in the studio record the songs, just like I did his first one, and it was Falling  that bought tears to my eyes followed by Fine Line

Later that night, Harry comes in the bathroom as I'm wiping my make up off. I turn to him and get a small smirk on my face.

 He already knows because he bluntly says, "Ave, you're not putting make up on me I'm tired."

Long story short,  and after a bit of negotiating, he's sitting cross legged on my bed holding a bottle of my foundation looking very disinterested. He tolerates it as I apply foundation and concealer to his face a sponge, it doesn't really match his skin but I never get to do anyone make up so it doesn't matter. 

"stop hitting me with that thing." he says, meaning the make up sponge.

"I'm not!" I say with a small laugh, "This is how you blend it." After about an hour of Harry complaining and me enjoying myself, I finish the look off with a lip gloss. 

He gets up an walks across to the bathroom and I follow to see his initial reaction to his brand new brown smokey eye and nude lip look. He looks at himself in the mirror and I hold my phone camera up and he does some cute poses for me and we laugh for a second, Diana rubbing against our legs and purring. 

"You look very pretty sir." I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He smiles and asks me to remove it so he can go to sleep finally, I check the time, Fuck, it's 1 am. I help him wipe it off and laugh at his reaction to me pulling his fake eyelashes off. 

"You're gonna rip my real ones out, Avery..." 

"Don't be a drama queen it's fine"

The next morning I wake up and can feel Harry's arms around me, making me feel safe as he always does. Diana is between us. I don't want to wake them so I stare at the wall and think about how last night. Even though he was tired and stressed, he still put me and my happiness first- and I would like to think the experience helped him relax. Because make up and clothes have no limits or gender rules

. Harry has definitely showed me that in so many ways and I will forever be grateful for the beautiful things he introduced me to in life. Especially what it means to love someone.  

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