seventeen ; Diana

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As Harry slides the last box onto the kitchen counter, I can't help but let out a squeak of excitement. His eyes shoot up at me, playful concern in his eyes, "what the hell was that?" he laughs, eyebrows raised. I grin, reaching my hands out for him to grab. He obliges, and I soon have us dancing horribly around the room.

"That was my happiness leaking out, Haz. My pure happiness. I am happy. New flat, new life... new start. You don't know how long I've needed this." I feel like a podium light; something I haven't felt like in a long time. After everything that has happened in these past months, I deserved this. I deserve happiness.

Harry steadies us on the kitchen tiles, keeping a firm hold on my hands, "I am so happy for you, Avery Masters. You look vibrant. Like all the colours in one, at full brightness." I roll my eyes at his words, trying to hide my grin from growing even larger.

"Did you seriously just quote All The Bright Places while I'm still recovering from the end of that book? Are you trying to make me cry, Harry Styles?" I release one of my hands from his while laughing, pushing his shoulder light-heartedly. He raises a hand to his heart, pretending to be hurt by my actions. I blink at him, "you're a loser."

Time passes like the blink of an eye- and soon enough my flat is on a steady path to being completely set up. I sit on the one barstool I have, changing the song on my speaker. I put on Devil town by Cavetown before turning back to Harry. He's on his phone across the room, typing away. Suddenly, his jaw drops, face lighting up. He meets my eyes.

"I will be right back, Ave. Give me literally no more than 10 minutes." He runs past me, pressing a quick kiss to my forehead before grabbing his wallet off the bench and disappearing out the door. I sit there, thinking about what just happened. Well, that was abrupt. It wasn't anything bad... he had the look of pure joy on his face. But... what could it have been?

After a few seconds of feeling lost, I get up and head to my bedroom, speaker in hand. My room was one of the ones we left until last; boxes still litter the floor and my bed is pressed against the far corner of the room. While waiting for Harry, I decide to make some progress on my space. I play more Cavetown, along with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Harry and old One Directions songs. I dance, I sing, I get caught up in the moment. In this space I can fearlessly be myself.

"Ave!" Harry's voice carries through the apartment. I jump away from my bookshelf, grabbing my speaker and running out to meet him back in the kitchen.

"Yes! Hello my dear Harold!" I call, sliding around the corner to see him with a box. And an animal carrier?

"Since you are now going to be lacking the gracious presence of me every single day," He sits the box down, and picks up the animal carrier. "I took it upon myself to get you a little housewarming present. Come closer, will ya?"

I throw what is in my hands down onto the couch as I walk past, coming closer towards him. With each step the smirk on Harry's face grows larger and larger, until I am eventually a few feet in front of him, and he is grinning ear to ear. "Close your eyes and hold out your arms, please."

Cautiously, I do as he asks. I swear to god if it's a- fluff blankets my arms. I open my eyes to see myself holding a small kitchen. The easiest way to describe it is saying that it's white, and incredibly fluffy. Tears immediately well in my eyes. "Harry it's-" I squeak at the sound of the kitten meowing, staring directly at me, "it's beautiful. It's mine?" He nods, pulling his phone out of his back pocket to take a photo of us. I groan, letting out a small laugh, "don't take a photo... I'm crying, Harry."

"It's a girl. You can name her whatever you like, they said." The grin hasn't left his face as he starts to remove things from the newest cardboard box he brought in. Cat toys, cat beds, cat food. He had it all.

"I'm going to name her... Diana." I say, nodding, "aren't you a cute little thing?" Diana purrs, snuggling into my chest. I let out another estranged noise.

"That's really nice, Ave. Like after the princess?"

"No, stupid. The One Direction song. It's one of my favourites..."

"Oh." He chuckles, "well... I guess that's also really nice."

"I know it is." I smile.

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