Twenty Eight ; Matilda

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I hear my front door open, watching as Diana's head whip across and look across to other-side of the the room. I listen as August and Harry begin walking further into the house, waiting expectantly in my bedroom for the noise of the door clicking shut. I'm about to give Harry Styles the biggest surprise of his life. I open the bedroom door and let go of Matilda, who bounds down the stairs eagerly and I chase after her to see Harry's initial reaction. 

I bet the last thing he expected to see was a black Labrador puppy coming full speed at him. He opens his mouth in shock and takes a step back. Matilda jumps on him and he looks up with excitement and surprise. 

"Harry, meet Matilda, or Tilly for short." August stands back and leans against the kitchen cabinets as I speak, "She's 8 weeks old, Me and Gus adopted her yesterday" 

I beam with happiness as Harry kneels downs and scratches her head softly. I pull out my phone and take a picture of them both and before Harry can object I speak, "you did it to me when we got Diana, it's only fair!" He thinks for a moment, before silently agreeing. He giggles as Tilly licks his hands and rings. Harry rubs her head and August goes up stairs to get her toys and food bowls. 

"What do you reckon?" I ask, sitting down on the floor in front of them as she jumps on his lap and he laughs at her and pats her. 

"Dunno, seems alright so far" He grins and August comes back into the kitchen. Matilda turns her attention from Harry to August and jumps on him excitedly with her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. 

Harry stands up and reaches his hand to help me up. 

"Let's take her outside" August suggests, so Harry opens the sliding door to the backyard and laughs when Matilda sprints out into the yard and around on the muddy and wet grass. 

I sit on the outside couch and watch August and Harry play with her together. She barks at Harry who hides the tennis ball behind his back, teasing her.  Eventually, he throws the ball and laughs when bolts after it. 

I walk up to them, Harry on the wet ground, now covered in mud but loving every second of this boisterous black puppy licking his face and he rubs her sides. Matilda notices I'm coming over and runs up to me, I squat down and pat her head. Harry sits and watches us a few metres away, and smiles softly. 

"What?" I say to him after a second. 

"Nothing" He says, shaking his head lightly. I stand up and walk over to him, kneeling my knees on his legs so I don't get dirty. August and Matilda go back inside to make a picnic lunch, so it's just me and Harry sitting on the grass talking casually about how we found Tilly and knew we had to have her as part of our family.

"So I guess we are a family of 5 now" I finish with. Harry raises his eyebrows and looks at me slightly confused. "5?" he repeats, eyes beginning to widen. 

"Yes" I say, "Me, Diana, Matilda, August and you."  He smiles shyly and look down at the muddy paw prints on his trousers. 

"Thank you, Ave," he says, blushing a little, "you're my family too." 

August puts the blanket down on the grass to prevent any more stains. I sit down next to him and Harry sits on the other side, eating a sandwich. Matilda lays down next to us, exhausted from playing all afternoon. 

"So, the wedding is next month" Harry says, breaking the silence "You guys still wanna get married, right?" He gives us joking smile. I look at August who returns Harry's smile with his own.

 "At the moment, yeah" He turns to me and I laugh, giving him a playful shove. 

"What do you mean at the moment?" 

"Well... you never know with weddings" August replies, trying to contain his laughter. 

"I hate you"  

"Only joking, babe" August says, putting his arm around me and trying to kiss me but I move my head away. 

"Nope, go away I'm upset" I lean away from him with a small smile, before eventually letting him kiss me. 

"Sandwich?"Harry says, we turn to see him sitting on the other side of the blanket holding one out to us, with a awkward but nice smile. I can see the happiness in his eyes and I know it's because he can see how happy we make each other and that I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with both of them, not just August.

 I've tried my best to make it to clear to Harry that just because I'm getting married soon, it's doesn't mean he's not my soulmate anymore, you can't change those things. There is so much love in this world, and I want to give mine to Harry and August. I think back to the first time they met a few years ago and now they are inseparable. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

August carefully removes his arm from my shoulders and takes sandwich from Harry's outstretched hand, "Thank you," shuffles around on the blanket. 

"You're welcome." Harry looks shy for a second before saying proudly "I can't wait for this wedding next week."

I look at August, taking small bites of his sandwich and patting the sleeping puppy. 

Me either, Harry. 

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