sixty four ; Halloween

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Autumn, or more commonly known as fall but I always found "Autumn" way more pretty. The leaves, the golden sunsets and pumpkins. I've been paying a lore more attention to the seasons this year and what they remind me of. Autumn reminds me of knitted sweaters, leaves and coffee. Early morning jogs and picnics in the park with Harry, that always ended in scraping dead leaves into piles to jump in. 

"Ave, guess what!" Harry says, bursting into the lounge room where I'm reading a book on the couch in a sweater and jeans, enjoying the peaceful afternoon "It's Halloween next week"

"And?" I close my book, giving him my full attention. I love it when the little kid in him comes out. It's becoming more common and I'm enjoying the small glimpses into the past of the little boy who was discovering life with his best mates. 

"We haven't got costumes" He looks at me like that's the worst thing in the world. 

"No, absolutely not" I say, shaking my head and throwing the book on the table.

"I'll get Louis involved, we don't have to trick or treat or anything like that, we can all just chill out here" He sits next to me and and puts his feet on the table and I push them off. 

"H, can we skip this year-"

"No, we absolutely will not" He crosses his arms in protest 

"OK OK, fine" I say, finally giving in with a small laugh "What are we gonna be?"

"Not sure, I'll call Lou"

"Right, any ideas?" Louis says to the group. Delilah sits on the floor against Gus's legs, Me and Harry sitting on the couch and Louis standing up leaning against the wall, ankles crossed. 

"Well, there's 5 of us" August says, looking down at the toddler and she stares at Louis, she doesn't see him often. 

"5? We including Delilah?" I ask and the 3 boys nod their heads enthusiastically. Stupid question. 

"You want to dress up?" Louis asks asks Delilah and he gets a smell 'yes' and nod in return. 

"Spice girls" August laughs and Harry shakes his head at him. 

"It has to be scary" Harry says, rolling his eyes "That's the point of Halloween"

"Well, I'l go as you because you're scary looking" I joke and everyone but Harry laughs.

"Not a bad idea" August says, looking from me to Louis "One Direction?"

I watch Harry's face as he thinks. Him and Louis look at each other. I spent a lot of time with the band, but I wasn't pat of it. I didn't have to live through what they did and I wonder what he's thinking right now, about the whole idea of going back to that time for day. Louis raises his eyebrows at Harry, asking him without using words. Harry nods, giving Louis the confirmation he needs to grin at the idea.

"Fuck yeah!" He says eagerly "Who is who?"

"I'm Niall" I say laughing "Is it now or then?"

"Then, so get out the blonde hair dye" Harry laughs and tugs on a piece of my brown hair.

"No, and for that idea you can be Louis" I say and hear Louis scoff.

"Since when was being me an insult?" Louis laughs and sits down on the floor, Matilda walks up to him and he pats her and I watch as she lays across his lap. 

"Well I guess I'll be Liam" August says, he watches Delilah walk over to Harry, who pulls her up onto his lap with a smile "And Delilah can be Harry"

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