Forty One ; Hey Angel

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(This chapter is a few days after the last one!)

"I'm home!" August yells and closes the door, holding a package in his hands.

"What have you got there, mate?" Harry asks, gesturing to the wrapped parcel under his arm. He chucks it onto the table in front of us and squats down to pat Matilda and rub her belly as she waves her black tail happily.

I stand up and take the package off the table and rip it open quickly, feeling Harry's eyes on me as I do. It's the flag Gus ordered a few days earlier, I had completely forgotten about it. I look up at him, still roughing up the dog and smile. I lay it across my lap and try to spread out some of the creases from where it was folded.

"Thank you, August" I say gratefully and turn my head to Harry "where do you reckon we hang this?"

He grins between the two of us "Hallway?"

"Meet me in the hallway?" I say, referencing his song and remember sitting on the studio floor and watching him record it for his first album 6 years ago. It's crazy how fast time flies, it's like only last week I was on tour with the band, waiting backstage to be first person H hugged after the show. I don't wait backstage anymore, I'm front row in the crowd, screaming Kiwi back at him.

"Alright" He laughs "Should have seen that one coming" I always reference is music as much as I can, to remind him that I listen to it daily, Solo and the band. I love hearing him sing, especially in person and surrounded by other fans, because at the end of the day, I am his fan as well as friend.

I stand up and bunch the flag up and start walking off towards the hall way and notice a blank spot between the stairs and a framed photo of the 3 of us at my wedding. I hear Harry's foot steps getting closer and he takes the flag out of my hands and smiles proudly.

"I'm glad you found someone supportive" He says "you don't deserve anything less than August, that man is perfect, I'm happy for you"

I think about Jack, and my other partners. None of them get close to comparing to Gus, and he knows that he's special. Harry has been there almost non-stop since we were 16, and I love him, not in the same way as August, it's a strong platonic love and I'm convinced I've found my soulmate in the form of a world famous singer. Writing songs about me and selling out arenas but saving a spot in the front row for me every show, I'm certain he loves me too. He's offered me the VIP box multiple times, but I turn it down every time and he's giving up asking.

"Thank you" I smile back at him.

I take a step back from the wall, pull my phone out and take a photo of him in front of the flag with his back to me and his arms in the air, holding it up against the wall.

"A little help, Avery?" He laughs and we hang it up together and I smile at him when we are finished.

"How are you doing today?"

"I'm proud" I walk into the kitchen and I hear him close behind me again.

"Care to elaborate?"

"I'm proud of you" I sit at the bench and cross my legs.

"Proud of me?" He sits next to me and I rest my head on my hands and look at him.

"Yup" I reply quietly "So proud of you, H"

He smiles and I watch the dimples appears, my favorite thing.

"Hey Angel" He says shyly.

"What?" I sit up where did this come from?

"The One Direction song" He explains "It's yours, well, it for you"

"So, am I an angel then?" I laugh.

"Yup" He says grinning "A gift from god"

I smile at his words and feel myself blush.

"What's wrong?" He teases, "You've gone all pink."

"I wonder why" I laugh "So, Harold, What other songs are about me?"

"Sweet creature, Girl Almighty and Hey Angel" He smiles, "but you already knew that..."

"Go on", I pull him off his chair and he thinks.

"Lights up, you helped me write that and you didn't even realize" He laughs and walks into the lounge room.

"I thought it sounded familiar" I joke, "What made you write about that?"

"I was writing, and I knew I had to write something that meant something to me, but all I could think about was you asking me if I knew who I was. You helped me figure it out, so used the things we said and made it into a song."

"The other lyrics?" I ask. "None of us said them.."

"No, but I was thinking them" He turns around to go to the cupboard.

I reach out and grab his hand and pull him gently back towards me "Who said I was done listening to you talk about songs that are about me?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "I'll tell you one more but then you have figure the last few yourself, deal?"

"Deal," I nod my head eagerly, keen to hear what he's going to say


"Wait really?" I grin Another One Direction song about me? Wow, I'm living the dream.

"Yup." He smiles and squeezes my hand "I meant every word of it, you still make me strong to this day."

I'm lost for words, it's not everyday one of the biggest boy bands ever sing about you and then one of the members, who happens to be your soulmate, admits to writing a song about you. I'm living most of his fans dreams, I see it on social media all the time, people wishing they were in my position but if only they knew what it came with.

I step towards him and feel his arms gently wrap around me again. He's been so gentle and caring lately, making me breakfast in bed when August is away so I have company. Reading about parenting like he's the one having a baby. He's filled with excitement and it's adorable.

"When she gets here" He whispers in my ear "I'm going to spoil the shit out of her"

"She?" I laugh and take a step away from him "Why are you so sure it's a girl?"

"I know it is" He shrugs his shoulders casually.

"Well, you're going to be waiting another 4 months to find out like the rest of us?" I smile

"Why that long to prove I'm right?" He groans and I cut him a piece of cake and place it on a plate and hand it to him.

"We are going to announce it at the baby shower, H" I walk into the lounge room and find August missing, probably working on his next masterpiece so I sit down and he follows, sitting next to me.

"When's that?" He asks and eats a little of the cake.

"September" I say, and take another bite.

"What? It's only start of june?" He scoffs "How far along are you again?"

"Nearly 4 months," I smile and he sighs. "It's not that bad H, we are building the nursery next week if you want to help with that."

"Of course I want to help with her room!" He grins

"Don't get your hopes up in case it's not a girl," I warn him and he laughs.

"I'm not getting my hopes up because I'm right!" He crosses his arms over his chest.

"OK, sure..." I say with a hint of sarcasm.

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