Thirty Three ; Have you evolved?

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I sit on the edge of Harry's massive pool, dipping my feet in. The cold water is nice considering today is blazing hot. I check twitter, another boring day on the internet with rumors, scandals and celeb relationships but I don't need twitter to tell me all that when a celebrity is my soulmate. Harry comes out from inside the house and far from me on the pools edge, putting his feet into the deep side of the pool.

"Fuck it's hot" He says, kicking his feet in the water. 

"You got that right" I sigh and keep looking at Harry's fans tweets about him on my secret fan account that not even Harry knows I have. It's amazing the support he gets from people, but I also see things I didn't want to see and things I don't want H to see either. 

"Ave" He says, standing up. "Ave, Ave, Ave" he tries to get my attention but I playfully ignore him. Am i hanging out with a man or baby sitting a child?

"Avery, Avery Hill" He walks over to me and squats down next to me "Don't make me use your full name"

"You won't" I say, egging him on.

"Avery Rosemary Hill you better pay attention me" H says, getting fake grumpy, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. 

"Right what do you want?" I laugh, putting my phone down next to me and looking up at him.

"Watch this" He laughs and with a huge grin, runs up the diving board. "I've been practicing while you were with Picasso in LA" 

He dives in almost perfectly and when he emerges he swims over to me and I can't help but look at all of his tattoos he's gotten done over the years. The ship on his shoulder, the birds on his chest and a huge butterfly on his stomach. The nails on his arm and the anchor on the back of the wrist and so many more I think even he forgets what he has on him. His body covered in works of art and it's beautiful and what he is almost known for now. I love the way he uses his body like a canvas. He's a work of art and in that moment I make a split second decision. 

"H, I want a tattoo" I say proudly. 

"Did I hear you right?" He says, laughing and moving the hair out of his face to see me. 

"Yes, right now" I take my feet out the pool water and put my clothes over my bikini quickly.

"Really?" He gets out of the pull and grabs his towel "Like, tomorrow or-"

"right now" I repeat and put my shoes on "I'll meet you in the car"

Harry drives down to the nearest tattoo parlor and on the way down we agree we would get Evolve on our skin together, as a tribute to one of the saddest but favorite memories we share. After Zayn left One Direction, after I saw Harry at his lowest point and we both knew that after that day things would be very different and we would have to support each other more. 

It was a very difficult time for Harry and I'm so proud of how far he has come since then, I hope we never see days like those again, my heart broke for him everyday as I watched him fall apart and then rebuild himself into this amazing new person and music career. I replay day and the conversation in my head that I had with Harry as he cried. 

Do you want to evolve or remain, Harry Styles? 

I want to evolve, Ave. I want to be more than what I am now. But... how?

That's something that you'll have to figure out for yourself, but just know that I will be with you every step of the way 

We arrive and I watch as he checks who's inside, before getting out of the car and opening the door for me.

Moments || H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ