twenty two ; All of Us

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"Avery? Are you home?" Harry yells from down stairs as he comes into my house. I spring out of bed at the sound of his voice change quickly out of my pajamas into jeans and a casual black band top. Shit it's nearly 1 pm, I slept most of the day. 

"Yeah, I'll be down in a second, Haz!" I call back to him sleepily. 

I listen to him close my front door and talk sweetly to Diana, who had gracefully walked down the stairs without me after realizing it was Harry. Typical Di, might as well be Harry's cat. I walk to the top of the stairs and see Harry waiting for me at the bottom. 

"You know... if I jumped from here, you would either have to catch me... or we would both die." I laugh, bending my knees like I was going to leap at him.

 He laughs and motions with his hand to come down, "come look what I just bought for us"

 I walk begin to walk tiredly down the steps half way before stopping and thinking for a second and before asking "It's not another cat?"

"Nah." he bends down and picks Diana up and strokes her, "but you guys will hopefully like this." 

He leads me into my living room, and sitting on the table is a game console. I turn to him and obviously look surprised to see something like that. 

He laughs, "don't you want to play some games with me and Gus?" I take Diana from his arms and put her on the couch so I can hug him gratefully. When I let go I ask him. 

"So... was this just for you and August to play video games?" raising my eyebrows and giving a joking smile. 

He laughs softy and answers me "No..well, yes and no, it's for all of us" he says, playing with his hair. I smile, all of us. I look back at the box sitting on the table and feel a rush gratitude for him and everything he does, and even though he's a world famous singer now, he still stays humble and kind. 

"Thank you, Harry" I say genuinely , "Looks like I'm gonna have to call August to help set it up then?"  

August arrives a short while later and I make them drinks as they laugh and chat, setting up the console. I look at Diana, who is sitting across from them, observing quietly, and then back to the boys, who have huge proud smiles on their faces as they take a step back and turn the TV on. 

"Ave, I think it's working!" August says as I come into the living room holding drinks.

 "Thanks, babe." August says, taking it his from me and sitting down on the couch.

 "Thanks, babe." Harry repeats, mocking his accent quietly and then sitting next to him.  

I sit next to both of them on the couch and Harry passes me a controller and we all play and laugh. August wins, and, of course, Harry competitiveness gets the better of him and accuses him of cheating 

"How the hell could I hack it if you helped me put it together?!" He says, with a big grin at Harry. 

"I'm not sure... you Americans are sneaky!!" Harry laughs back, and looks at the time. 

"Shit, It's pretty late." August checks his watch and raises his eyebrows, "it's like 11:30 we played for a while." 

"I'll guess I will go home and leave you two here?" H says, smirking at me. I nudge him in the ribs gently when August turns his back to get his jacket off the couch, but he just raises his eyebrows with a smile and I roll my eyes. 

We say our goodbyes to Harry and I promise to see him tomorrow for lunch. I close the door and and go to my room. Diana is sleeping on the bed already and I look over at August. There is so much love in this world, and I think I have found the best 2 people to share mine with. 

Goodnight you two, have a good night ;) .H 

I laugh out loud at Harry's message on my phone and August gives me a interested look. I tell him not to worry and put my phone down on the table. The two best people in the world. 

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