one ; x factor tribulations

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My phone rings, it's Harry. I haven't heard had a proper conversation with him for a while so I answer rather quickly and hold the phone up to my ear. 

"Hi, harry!" I say into the phone, eager to have some social interaction. Especially with Harry, I've missed his voice. 

"Hi, Avery." Harry replies, and I can hear the smile in his voice  "I wanted to tell you this before the show aired, but me and 4 other boys got put into a band by Simon Cowell!"

"Oh my god, Harry" I say, shocked, "that is so cool" and I genuinely mean it. 

I can tell this is going to go far, Harry is just one of those people who can succeed at anything he puts his mind to... especially music. He just has that charm; the movie-maker smile and charismatic ability to talk to anyone. He is going to be famous one day

"I know, right!" I can tell excited he is, and how determined he is to win this show and go big. I wish him the best of luck and he thanks me, before saying he has to go practice with his new band mates. 

A while passes without contact from Harry, other than me sending congrats texts every time their band makes it through a round, he also replies late. I start to find myself thinking of him a lot and the times we talked, replaying our conversations in my head. 

One night I turn the TV on and see that there is only 3 acts in the competition left; One Direction, Matt and Rebecca. My heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest as I turn the TV up. Ugh. Why do presenters talk so slow... hurry up with it!  Finally, he announces that Matt made it through, so that leaves One Direction and Rebecca.

I am, quite literally, on the edge of my seat. My heart pounding and I cannot take my eyes off the screen. please please please I silently beg, biting my nails with anticipation. I watch Harry and the boys shuffle on the stage, they are clearly very anxious and nervous. I mean... who wouldn't be?

"The second act still in the final is..." the man on the TV says intensely, I lean in closer, looking at Harry crying as one of his band mates tries to comfort him. Please, for Harry's sake, let them through.

"Rebecca!" my heart drops to the pit of my stomach, my hand coming over my mouth in disbelief. I race to my phone upstairs and call Harry. At this point, I am shaking and in shock. Why didn't they win?

"Hey," he answers sadly, "I guess the episode just aired..." I can hear the pain in his voice and I silently wish I was there to comfort him. 

"Yeah it did," I answer, "you boys did so well. I am so so proud of you Harry... I mean it." 

I hear him chuckle a little. "Thanks, Avery. You are an amazing friend." he stops for a second before speaking, "did you want to go and get coffee tomorrow?"

"Yes! of course I would! I've... I've missed you." 

"I've missed you too, Ave." 

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