twenty four; to friendship

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(OK a reminder the gifs have nothing to do with chapters, I just choose ones I like or that fit the time frame. Once we go into the future they will be meaningless)

"Avery Masters, how on Earth are you doing that?" I look up from my embroidery floss to see widened eyes staring at me. Harry's mouth is slightly agape as he looks from his bracelet to mine, blinking slowly. I stifled a laugh as I look at what is before him.

"I..." I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my impending laughter, "Haz, how did you manage to mess it up that badly? You're just plating the-"

"I don't want to talk about it..." he mumbles, removing the tape that secured it to the table. He chucked it off to the side before reaching forward for more string, "I'm starting again. It's going to be better this time, I'm telling ya."

"Mhmm," I hum in response, "I'm sure, bud."

Harry looks at mine for a moment longer, observing my pattern. It was safe to say that I had more experience than him at making bracelets, so my design was a little more than a simple plat. "How did you- you know what? Nevermind. I won't be able to do it."

"Did you want me to show you? It's not that hard-"

"Nah nah, s'alright. I'll stick to my plat, thanks." He chuckles, looking through the bag of different colours. I purse my lips for a moment.

"Come 'ere, Haz. I'll give you a go at mine. I can just start another."

He looks at and a smile begins to form on his face.

How long does it take someone to tie up a friendship bracelet? The answer is nearing 3 minutes if you're Harry. "This bracelet is so stupid why did I e-"

"I'd watch your mouth, Harry Edward Styles, I made more than half of that bracelet... I can easily take it off you and give it to Gus"

Harry gasps, "you would not! It's a friendship bracelet, Ave. Not a relationship bracelet." He looks visibly alarmed as he clutches the ends of the bracelet tightly, turning slightly away from me before continuing to attempt to tie it up. I laugh to myself, looking down at mine. It took me no more than 30 seconds, that man is hopeless sometimes.

"How old are you again?" I ask.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Ave..." he sticks his tongue out at me before adding a breathless, "I'm 25."

"Come here, man-child, let me tie it up for you." I state, reaching out a hand.

"No!" He squeaks.



"Let m-"


"I don't think I can physically watch you struggle with that bracelet any longer. Please, just let me tie it up for you."

Harry stares at me for a moment, evaluating my reaction. I reach out a hand again, motioning for him to turn completely around to face me again. He sighs, turning and dropping his shoulders, placing the bracelet in my hand. Extending his arm to me, he mumbles a little thanks, Ave. I tie it up swiftly, giving it a little tap when I finish. "See? Simples."

He moves the bracelet around on his wrist so he can see it properly, admiring it. It's pastel pink, blue and black; matching the colours of his newest album. Mine has the same colours and pattern, but inverted. He seems as happy with it as I do- we share a grin. "I think we did a pretty good job." Harry nods approvingly, "now take a pic and send it to Gus... he'll think it's cool too."

I laugh at his enthusiasm to get into contact with my boyfriend, picking my phone up off the table and taking a photo. I send it to him with the message: H and I made friendship bracelets. He insisted that I send you a photo of the completed product xx. I show Harry the message after I send it, and he scrunchies up his nose. "That makes me sound annoying."

"Does not." I retort, rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"Shut up."

"No, you sh-" The phone dings.

Looks wonderful, babe. Looks like you did most of it though haha. Make sure you tell Haz that I'm sure he tried very hard. I laugh, passing my phone to Harry so he can read it for himself. He laughs a little too, handing it back. "I did try very hard." He says confidently, brandishing his proudest look. 

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