Forty Six ; falling

144 3 0

(This chapter is a few days after the last!)

So, we waited to see what would actually happen from this fiasco. Wednesday nothing, Thursday nothing too and I was starting to get my hopes up but then on the Friday morning I woke up with a really bad feeling in my gut. I crawled out of bed and tip toed downstairs to the laptop and opened it. I know Harry said not to check tabloids or news articles, but I'm a grown ass woman I'll check articles about me if I feel like it. 

I open the laptop and type "Harry Styles" into google. Take a deep breath and press search. OK, nothing yet so I click on the news section. Well, maybe I should have listened to Harry. 


Looks like Mr Harry Styles has got himself in hot water when his feisty speculated girlfriend snapped at some fans!

Sources say that fans were asking the global superstar for photos when the hothead got increasingly aggressive towards the fans, swearing avidly.

The reasoning behind the outburst isn't clear as for now. But if you are wondering who the girl is, she's no other than Avery Masters! She's been seen multiple times with the former One Direction star (Articles linked below).

Fans have been speculating their relationship for years now... guess we'll just wait and see what comes out of this!

Furthermore, the real catch here is that Ms. Masters is pregnant!  Could we expect a baby Styles entering the music industry in the coming years? Only time will tell as the pregnancy moves forward.

Videos and photos below!

My hands shake as I scroll down to the comments, doing exactly what I know I shouldn't be but I can't stop. I know I'm going to regret this but I start reading them.  

CaroleBrown102: What a rude woman! Harry could do better than that pregnant cow

FionaWellingg: Poor Harry! Did you see the way that bitch answered for him? Controlling much?

TinaSawyer1992: Arrogant bitch! who does she think she is? Talking to fans like that

 TraceyHunt453: Could he have at least knocked up someone prettier and nicer? 

 It goes on and on and tears stream down my face as I read them, all 148 comments. I lick my lips and taste the saltiness of my tears. My hands are shaking and through run wild in my head but one thought is very clear. I need to see Harry. So I stand up and rush over to Harry's. Still in my pajama shorts and no bra under my shirt but I don't care if the neighbors see me. 

This is bad. 

I open his front door and walk into the lounge room. He's doing the exact same I was. On the couch with his laptop on his lap and head resting on his hand. When he sees me he shuts it quickly but I know he was reading the comments too. He walks over to me. 

He looks me up and down and stands up "Did you read it?" He asks softly, rubbing my arms. I nod my head and he pulls his hoodie off and puts it on me. "You're so cold...but I'm sorry you had to see that, Ave" His voice his gentle and sweet and he makes me a cup of tea. 

My phone rings and I expect it to be August asking where I vanished too at 8 am but it's Louis. 


I answer the phone and put it on loud speaker so I can drink my tea. 

"Hey, Lou" I say when it connects.

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