109 ; Grace

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"So, early March concert?" Harry reminds me as we are laying in his bed early morning, too cold to leave it. 

"Don't remind me, H" I groan, looking over to him "I should've never said yes" 

"You'll be fine, Ave" He chuckles a little, hair falling on his face as he lays on his side facing me "You have an amazing voice, seriously stop underestimating yourself. You'll do great and this is a great opportunity and I'm going on after you"

I agree, still not entirely convinced I won't just go up on that stage and freeze. I'm not like Harry, I don't thrive on a stage in front of an audience. I prefer the quiet studio or playing guitar for the cat, but I'll work on that when it comes to it. I've got a month to prepare, it's a week since Harry turned 41 and basically we are halfway through our lives and I'm at that point where I don't give a shit about opinions. Everyday with my family is important, I'll do what I want with them. There's a lot of moments I didn't get to have with Lou that I want another chance to have with alive people. 

With that thought in mind, I move closer to Harry wrap my arms around him, feeling the soft material of his shirt and bury my head into his shoulder. He pulls the blankets up higher, not even questioning or resisting it. 

"You OK?" He asks, holding me back and I nod against his shoulder.

"Cold and stressed" I admit. I lay like that for a while, enjoying the peace and birds chirping out the window and occasional car driving past. His chin on top of my head and there's no better feeling when he plants a small kiss to the top of my head. I close my eyes and smile. 

I really do love my life sometimes.

"want some good news?" He asks after about 15 minutes of me trying to stay awake,  I can hear the smile in his voice, which leaves me curious. 


"Well..I've been talking to someone" He starts and I move away from him, keeping my hands on his shoulders and my eyes wide. He takes one hand off my back and pushes his hair out of his face 

"explain" I demand. 

"what you do mean?" He asks, smiling at me now as he lays his head on the pillow and I prop myself onto my elbow, looking down at him. He moves his hand and tries to hold mine but I pull it away 

"No, stop trying to distract me..what do you mean?" 

"Exactly what I said. I've been talking to someone and I think it's real? Like, no bullshit...we are dating" Harry says and my mouth drops open in surprise. 

How long has it been since he's had an official partner? It would have to be before Louis died and they didn't really last long. Contrary to the medias stories, he doesn't date as many women as it says, in fact not even a fraction of them. 

It's like he can't have female friends and it annoys me because when he's seen with a man, there is no jumping to conclusions like the women. That's another story, but the point is, Harry hasn't 'dated' any of years. There's been a few people, hook ups and just casual shit but this is the first I've heard of him being committed to anyone in a while. 

Shit, there's people out there convinced him and I are dating. There's been rumors about us for years and I've made it clear, even before I was with August, we aren't together. 

"Well? Tell me about them!" 

"What do you want to know?" He smirks, I'm obviously very excited. This is something huge for him to go back out there and hopefully find someone. 

"umm, everything!" 

"Well, her name is Grace-"

"-that's so cute-"

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