Thirty Seven ; Rain

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(Yes, they are going to be quite a few chapters while Ave is pregnant, the time gaps between chapters may get shorter from here on out as big things are happening soon ;) Hope you're enjoying so far! E&P) 

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks, sitting down next to me on the bed as I take my socks off and throw them into the basket. 

"A lot better" I say honestly with a small smile. 

The nerves have calmed down and I'm finally feeling excited about the whole being pregnant thing. We decided that once I start showing we wasn't going to go outside or in public together. It was a hard decision, but it's for my safety and magazines will get start rumors and that's the last thing we want. I've been seen with H many times, but only a few of them were really bad like the night in the bar. 

"That's good" He kisses me on the cheek and says he's going to have a quick shower. I watch him walk out of the room and crawl into bed. 

Harry has been the biggest help and support this last month of me being pregnant, helping out around the house and coming over a LOT more to see us. August and I couldn't ask for a better friend. My family and close friends know now, but not the 1D boys, I'm waiting to tell them. 

I lay tucked up in bed and listen to the rain drum on the roof, it's mid-May and the baby is due  November, and no one is more excited to meet them then Harry. He's already taken on his role of god-father amazingly, suggesting names and looking at clothes online. This kid is going to be ridiculously fashionable with Harry Styles as it's personal stylist.  

The bedroom door opens again after a while and Harry walks in asking for his hoodie I stole. I turn around to see him shirtless with tattoos on display and wet hair over his face.I whistle at him jokingly and he rolls his eyes and gives up trying to find where I put it before pulling on a black shirt and turning the light off. 

"That was rude" I say laughing "was enjoying the view"

"Ave you're married and having a baby" He sighs and then smiles "I'm gonna tell August"

"Tell him then" I laugh more "He'd probably agree with me that you're very beautiful" 

"So, are you" I blush and his smile grows "Where is Gus anyway?"

"Guess" I sit up and take the plate off the bed and make room for him next to me. 

"I don't know...Russia?" He bends down to pat Matilda as she makes her presence known and jumps on the bed happily. 

"Nope, still in Europe" I say, rubbing Matilda's belly as she comes up to me and lays down.

"France? Italy? Sweden?" He guesses and I shake my head to all of them "No clue then, Ave"

"Ireland" I say in a very bad Irish accent "Did you know Niall is Irish?"

"Nooo, really?" He says sarcastically and gets in next to me and reaches for the TV remote "Had no fucking clue" 

"Netflix?" He turns to me. 

"Yeah alright" I shrug "I'm probably going to fall asleep I'm so tired"

"It's alright" He smiles. "What do want to watch?"

"Should we just search romantic comedies on Netflix and see what we find?" I smile, I couldn't hep myself. 

"Should've guessed you would have said that" He laughs softly and picks a random movie we haven't seen before "This one?"

"Yeah sure" I say, knowing I'm going to fall asleep half way through it anyway. 

He puts the TV remote down and pats Matilda, who squashed herself between us. The movie sucked, and we ended up turning it down so we could talk instead. I listen to him talk about his music and photo shoot he's doing next week as I drift off to sleep. 

When I wake up I find myself on his chest and my fingers locked around his gently his. He stirs a little and puts his other arm around me in his sleep. I look up at the clock, 4 am. Rain starts up again and I close my eyes and listen as it drowns out the sounds of the heater and his gentle breathing. I don't even know why I bother having a pillow anymore, I always end up sleeping on August or Harry, I guess it's a comfort thing.  

Growing up an only child I loved space and being alone. I was shy and timid and had a hard time making friends. H has really bought me out of my shell during the 13 years I have known him, showed me how to trust and open up. He's bought my confidence up and showered me with love. I get lonely sometimes, I can't sleep alone when August goes on his many trips but I'm working on it with Harry's support. 

I open my eyes and see the sun rising out of the window, the wall clock shows 7 am now. The air is cold even though it's approaching summer. His arm tightens around me and I realize he's awake and probably didn't want to wake me.

"Morning" I whisper, looking up at him still half asleep and then slowly sit up rubbing my eyes and looking at him, still holding my hand.

"Lay back down" He mumbles and lets go of my hand so he run his hands through his hair "I'll make breakfast for you"

"No" I shake my head sleepily "I'm fully capable of cooking my own food, H"

I stretch my arms out and he gets out of bed and puts the covers over my head.

"Really?" I laugh sleepily and pull them off me "I'm not going back to sleep I'm awake now"

"Oh well" He shrugs and grabs a pillow and puts it against the headboard for me to lean back on but I pick it up and throw it back at him, missing him completely. 

"Are you too old for pillow fights?" I smile and grab another one.

He shakes his head "Not when you're pregnant" 

"I'll be fine" I say, hitting him in the side with my pillow. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" He asks, ignoring me wanting a pillow fight first thing in the morning when I'm still tired. Eventually, I give up and stand up and put on his hoodie that's way too big but it smells exactly like him and it reminds me of touring and waiting back at the hotel for him in his clothes. I miss those days. 

"No" I say stubbornly again "I'll cook for myself" 

"Just let me cook for you" He sighs and rubs his eyes.

"Fine" I finally agree and follow him closely down stairs where we find Matilda sleeping on the couch. She runs up to us and I play with her while Harry cooks for us 

"Good girl!" I laugh as she catches the ball and brings it back to me, dropping it in front of my legs on the floor. 

"Thanks" Harry says, grinning as he holds two plates in each and walks into the living room.

"Smart ass" I say under my breath and take the plate of bacon and eggs from him. "Tomorrow I'm taking you somewhere"

"Where?" He asks curiously, usually it's him doing the surprising.

"You'll see" 

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