eighty five ; things we don't see often

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The snow is getting thick as it's only a week until Christmas. Daisy is curled up asleep next to me on the couch as I drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies with my family. Harry on the floor with Delilah, leaning against the chair and eating popcorn. August is on the other chair, drawing on his tablet and looking up occasionally when things get interesting. 

I'm trying to warm up after making snowmen outside all day, Delilah loved it and will probably make us do it again tomorrow. The boys are all coming for Christmas, since we haven't spent it together in years. It'll be good, some of them I haven't seen since my birthday in March. 

I make an effort to keep in touch with my friends, especially the ones that aren't world famous. I have a few girlfriends that I go out to lunch with and talk to all the time. One of my friends I've had since we were kids, before I met Harry and I would feel terrible for deserting her for this life. 

"Harry, stop hogging it" Delilah protests, pulling the bowl they're sharing from back towards her forcefully. 

"Fine, get my own" He scoffs, standing up and heading to the kitchen and I hear the beeps of the microwave. 

He returns a few minutes later with his own bowl "What did I miss?"

I fill him briefly on what happened in the last five minutes, even though we watch this every Christmas. 

I decide to stay at Harry's that night so as I walk through the his front door and I let out a involuntary gasp as it all hits me. 

He's hung fairy lights up and down the banisters of the stairs, tinsel along the ceiling and a small Christmas tree in the corner of the lounge room. Other small misc decorations lay around the house and walls. It's so...Christmas-y.

"Harry, this is beautiful" I wave a hand over the house as I step into this Christmas Wonderland further

"Well, you know since the boys are coming I'd thought I'd decorate a bit" He smiles, looking around proudly with his hands in his pockets. 

I turn to him and return his proud smile "They're gonna love it"

Christmas rolls around and we all sit in Harry's house, waiting for everyone to arrive. Harry had told the boys to bring their wives around and I'm excited to see everyone after so long. 

"place your bets who's first" Harry says, pointing to the front door. 

"Uncle Zayn" Delilah says and I think. 

"Probably Niall" I say, looking up at the clock, 5 pm. 

"Louis, for sure" August sits down on the couch next to me and I watch Harry fuss around trying to make everything look perfect. 

"H, sit down it looks amazing" I assure him, he stops and nods his head, walking back towards us when the front door opens. 

"Holy shit!" An Irish accent fills the room and I laugh 

"I win!" I call out to everyone and they all collectively roll their eyes

"win what?" Niall asks, stepping into the living room with his hands in his jeans pockets and a grin. 

"Don't worry" Harry laughs, hugging him and wishing him a Merry Christmas. I stand up and talk to Niall's wife, who's absolutely stunning and the sweetest. 

"Fucking amazing decor" Niall laughs, blue eyes scanning the room. 

"Told you they'll love it" I whisper to Harry, who smiles down at his feet. 

Slowly, all the boys and their significant others arrived. Harry's house becomes more full with love and laughter with every person who walks through the door. Delilah runs straight to Louis when he comes in and I talk to Zayn and Gigi. I look around to see Harry talking to Liam and Maya. 

Moments || H.SOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora