thirty two ; Snap

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"Stop fucking cheating."

"How the fuck can you cheat in snap?"

"I don't know but you are, August."

I listen to the boys argue on the floor about the simplest card game ever as I lay on the couch; Matilda is resting on my lap and Diana is purring at my feet. Sometimes I wonder if they are 28 or 8, just by the way they goof around and joke. I'm not complaining though, I love the energy they have together. Children in men's bodies. 

"Ave, tell Mr world famous Harry Styles here that I'm not cheating." August says, throwing his handful of cards on the floor in clear frustration and mutters something to himself, probably swearing at Harry in french or something. 

"Are you guys grown ass men or toddlers?" I ask them, trying to keep a straight face when I look at Harry sitting crossed legged and pouting, holding his cards like a little kid. 

"Come on, Ave" August groans, "He's acting like a child." He points to Harry, now innocently patting Diana who jumped off the couch to be with him. 

"Me? Acting like a child? You're literally throwing a tantrum right now." Harry says, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up British boy." August sighs, picking up his cards off the floor. They continue the game.

"SNAP!" Harry loudly slams his hand down on top the cards and wakes Matilda up. "Look who's winning now." he says, smirking as he takes the cards off the pile and into his hands. 

"More like look who is cheating no-" August begins to speak, but I, knowing that this is going to start another augment, quickly step in.

"For the love of god we aren't having this argument again." I interrupt him, looking up at the boys holding their cards, "just hurry up and get to Uno and then I'll join in."

They finish their game and August eventually wins the grand prize, which was nothing but bragging rights, which he gladly accepted and he cheered for himself for the next few minutes. "Are you done?" I ask, smiling as I move my way onto the floor next to them and shuffle the Uno cards.

"Pretty much" He says, shrugging his shoulders and picking up the deck I dealt him. 

We play Uno for what only feels like a long time. The boys got way too competitive, it taking so long for me to convince them to move onto a different game. I glance at the clock on the wall and sigh quietly. 12:40 am and we are still playing card games on the floor like little kids. I lean back on the couch and close my eyes while I wait for Harry to take his turn. 

"Ave?" A gentle hand shakes me awake, shit i must have fallen asleep, "you should go to bed.." Harry tells me. I see August starting to pack up the cards back in their box behind him.

"Yeah, OK." I take his outstretched hand and stand up. I rub my eyes and yawn. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I slowly follow them upstairs and watch Harry go into the guest room an close the door. I sit down on the bed and take my hair out of my messy bun, not bothering to remove my make up.

"Shit, I've got work out of town tomorrow" August remembers and looks down at his phone and then placing it on the table . "It'll be just you two home so please try not to burn down the house." 

I'm too tired to laugh so I just nod my head and call out goodnight to Harry. The second my head hits the pillow I'm asleep.

When I wake up in the morning August is gone- he must have left without waking me. I can't help but feel a little guilty because he's going to be tired today when's he meant to be going to an art meeting this morning and a exhibition this afternoon. I lay in bed and stare at the wall for a bit, before reaching for my phone and texting H. 

You awake? 

Yes, I'll come over in a second. H 

You don't have to sign off normal texts like that    I type back to him, smiling to myself. 

He ignores my message and a few moments later the door opens gently and he stands in the door way with two plates, looking proud of himself. 

"What have you made?" I ask curiously, sitting up and trying to fix my very tangled hair, but eventually giving up. He's seen me in a worse condition before so what's the point. 

"Breakfast." He looks down at the plate of food shyly, leaning against the door frame and crossing his ankles.

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, but what is it." 

"Banana pancakes ." He says smiling, "I used to work in a bakery when I was young so I'm a pretty good cook..."

"H, love, you don't have to tell me I've heard all about it for the last 12 fucking years." 

"Still, it's worth talking about!" Harry shrugs his shoulders and walks over to me, placing the plate on my lap and leaving the room briefly and then returning with cutlery.  He sits in front of me as we eat a late breakfast together in the semi-dark, my curtains still shut.

"I spoke to Picasso before he left." Harry says, putting his finished plate to the side and smirking at the newest nickname he had picked for August, Picasso. 

"What did he say?" I ask, stacking my plate on top of his and resting my head on my hand. 

"He won't be back until tomorrow, they need him for something important that just came up, he booked a hotel and told me to tell you because he wouldn't have time to be on his phone with all the fancy art stuff he was doing." 

"Oh, OK I guess I'll stay at your place tonight?" I ask. I can't stand to be alone anymore. Being with one or both of them is all I know now. He nods his head thoughtfully, he understands me, and takes the plates downstairs while I get dressed. 

I walk down the stairs and sit on the couch and watch Diana groom herself on her favorite chair opposite me and Matilda lays across my feet, waiting patiently to be fed. 

"Did August say what time he will be home tomorrow?" I call out to H, who is in the kitchen washing up.

"No, but I'm going to the studio tomorrow morning if you wanted to come" He says, walking into the room and sitting next to me. 

"I would love that." 

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