eighteen ; spontaneous

262 4 0

Are you finished packing yet, Ave -H

The text notification pops up on my phone. Harry had decided yesterday he wanted to go on a spontaneous camping trip last minute with me. He went on his phone and bought heaps of stuff online for it and they has arrived this morning, neither of us had a clue about camping but were excited to get out of the house, especially since the whole Jack thing was still affecting me, I think it always will. It was a short relationship and I was lucky Harry noticed and pulled me out of it before I stuck around too long.  Jack didn't deserve my love, heart or body. He doesn't deserve the new person I am becoming. 

I start typing back to him yes, by the time you get here ill be done -A 

I finished shoving clothes in my backpack and put my coat and boots on. We will only be gone for 3 days, but I packed like it's going to be a month. Guess you can never be too prepared. 

I say goodbye to Diana and when I hear H knock on the door I swing it open and greet him with a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. 

"Are you ready?" Harry says enthusiastically. After several hours of driving and getting lost multiple times along the way, we make it to the campsite he had picked out for us. 

It's in a forest kind of area, with a lake near. The weather isn't what I would normally like to go camping in but I missed spending time with him so I'll take some nights under the stars. We start to unpack everything we have onto the dirt ground and get my fathers old tent out of the bag. He stares at it for a while before turning to me 

"Do you have any idea how to put this up?" he says with a small smile, hand covering his eyes from the sun. 

I laugh and squat down, and then a memory flashes up in my head. "H, are we gonna do this the Tommo way?" I say, smirking. 

Harry looks at me and raises his eyebrows slightly "with all due respect, Ave, what the fuck are you talking about?" 

I laugh at his comment and say "The one direction movie? You literally starred in it, Harry." 

"I'm well aware of that, thank you very much, but what part of it?" he says. 

"Harold, when we get back I am tying you to a chair in the basement and making you watch it again." 

"Ooh, kinky"

"Harry- no, I-" I stutter and laugh. 

He laughs and suggest we start to set up the tent. After about an hour of trying and arguing, we manage to set the ugly green tent up. "yeah looks alright, reckon I did a pretty good job." harry says.

"Excuse me Mr Harry fucking Styles, you did fuck all but hold the instructions and pass me poles" I say playfully and he laughs. 

"Better then nothing" he shrugs and walks into the tent. 

 As night falls we sit in front of a fire we built and the sound of Harry softly playing guitar fills the air.  He puts it down and looks at me sitting across from him, I smile at him and tell him to pick it up again and I'll take a photo. 

"Why.. I look like shit, Avery?" I tell him to shut it and play it. I take a photo of him with the fire flames dancing in front of him, casting a beautiful effect and lighting onto him. His confused face only adding to the simplicity of the photo, this is the Harry I know, not the photo shoots or pap photos, this is him completely raw and himself. 

No Gucci suits or hair done. Hoodie and jeans in the dark with me in front of him, playing songs from his new album softly. 

"Gorgeous as always, Mr Styles" I say, tucking my phone back into my pocket and lean back in in my chair and look at the moon and stars. 

"We're like them" I say quietly, loud enough to be heard over the guitar "The moon and the stars"

"How so?" Harry asks and I sit up and watching him. 

"You're the moon and I'm the stars" I explain and he looks at me with interest "You're the beautiful and brave moon, only coming out at night to show it's true beauty. And I'm the stars surrounding you, still just as beautiful but not as important to the world" 

"No, Ave" He says softly and puts the guitar down and warms his hands in front of the fire "You're like the stars because you sparkle and scattered all over the sky, many pieces of you but they come together to create something breath taking" 

 I lay in my sleeping bag looking at Harry's back as he sleeps, listening to the crickets and other animals outside. It's so peaceful here, nothing but me and H and a couple of moths attracted to the light we hung up because i hate the dark. Harry moves a bit, making a rustling noise from his sleeping bag. 

"Go to sleep, Ave" he says groggily, that surprised me 

"How did you know I was awake?" I  whisper back curiously, 

"I can tell" was his slow reply. Fair enough, I roll on my side

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I whisper 

"Dunno, but you're going to sleep now" He sighs and the wind outside picks up. 

"I'm cold" I mutter and I hear rustling from his sleeping bag and the next thing I knew he had moved closer to me and I cuddle up to him in the dark, still in my uncomfortable sleeping bag but slightly warmer.  

"I feel like a Caterpillar" I whisper and he laugh. "A little warmer one though"

The remainder of the trip is spent doing normal camping things, well as normal as it can be when your best friends with a celebrity who gets calls every hour, including reading, napping, playing music and writing songs. 

"Ave, let's go swimming." Harry said just as we was packing stuff up to go back home back into the car.  

"Seriously, right now?" 

"Yup," he grabs my hand and leads to the lake near the campsite. 

"Harry it looks freezing" I say in disbelief of his proposal to go swimming at 8 in the fucking morning. 

"Come on, Ave" before I know it he takes his shirt off and runs in the water. "Fuck it's cold!" and rubs his shoulders and turns around at me and smiles. "You know you want to..." he's right.. so I take off my shirt and shoes and follow him. 

"It's not that cold, idiot"  I say, even though I can't feel my toes. 

"What did you call me?" H says jokingly, approaching me with his muscles flexed and tattoos glistening in the morning sun. I laugh at him trying to act tough when he should know that I, out of all people, know what he is really like, so I play along with the joke. 

"what are you gonna do about, huh?" He stops walking and thinks for a moment before a playful smile appears on his face and he runs at me, lifting me up by the waist and on his shoulder. I squeal and giggle has he carries me back to the beach like that. 

On the way back home, I make him play old One Direction music. He sits there, looking out the window at the passing trees while I drive. I don't want interrupt his thoughts, so I don't say anything, but I can tell he is thinking of his band mates and the memories they made when they were kids. I take on hand off the steering wheel and use it to grab his. He looks at me with a small smile and squeezes my hand.

We'll be alright

(Hi... So my twitter is pippyangel if you want to ask any questions about the story or just become friends! Let me know if you're reading it so we can about it! That's all, have a good day/night- Px)

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