Forty ; Moments

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"Hey, let me do that" I say, taking the paper out of his hands and folding it neatly. 

"You might as well do all the origami looking shit and I'll get the pictures" Harry sighs and stands up and starts to walk off towards the stairs. 

"They're on my desk" I mutter and finish that page. 

I watch him walk up the stairs and look back down at my scrapbook. We had talked about doing this for months, but we've both been busy. He's been at the studio working on music and I just hit my second trimester. Our life is busy and exciting, everything feels new and starting fresh in this house was the best decision we ever made. 

"Where are they?" I hear him yell upstairs and shuffling noises. He better not to be messing up my room. 

"I said on my desk!" I call back out and then I hear a muffled oh my god

Harry comes running back down stairs carrying a giant stuffed panda with a grin. 

"I didn't know you still had this!" He laughs, struggling to find a way to hold the massive toy "How long ago did I win this for you? 8 or 9 years ago?"

"It was 2011" I smile "So like...nearly 12 years ago I think" 

"WHAT?" I laugh as he looks confused "that night was 12 years ago?"

"Yup" I smile as I remember the night when we were 17 at the fair, just before he went on the first tour with the band. When he won a panda from a game and I kept it all these years, I had bought it back out to put the in the nursery for the baby to have. It's adorable panda, looks like it could be from some cartoon. I had it put away for years until the move and I found it again. 

"I keep everything I get from you" I say honestly, I have a box above my cupboards filled with every birthday or Christmas card, bracelets, letters and souvenirs he bought me overseas from gift shops.  

He goes a little pink and smile shyly, dragging the panda back up stairs and coming back down with a big handful of printed photos and stickers. 

"These it?" He holds the photos up and I nod my head, finishing the last few folds and the book was ready to be filled. 

"Oh my god, remember this?" He grins and hands me a photo of me and him on tour in Australia, sitting on a Sydney hotel balcony with birds surrounding us. We had been eating and birds had flocked to us, so we made the mistake of feeding them which unknowingly just invited all of their friends. I remember laughing as Mitch got out his phone and took a photo of our shocked faces.  

"Yeah, I miss Australia" I laugh and glue it in. We do this a lot as we stick them in, slowly filling up the pages and reminiscing. Photos on his tour, photos with the band and photos with August. We slowly put them in as Matilda watches us from her from across the room. Photos I took of him on stage and him with the animals, and our family dog Benji, who's miraculously still alive and living out his old age with my parents.  

I love our moments. The important parts of our life. Because when you think of a day, you don't think of the entire day or remember everything that happened. You remember the best or worse moments. That's what life is like, I can't tell you what I had for breakfast yesterday but I can quote something Harry said 10 years ago. Because those are the things that stick out. Even small things are carved into my memory, things normal people would forget. 

I recently found about the Swedish word fika. Which is a moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life. Which we do. Our little moments. 

"Harry, look at this one" I say and he turns to me. 

 I hand him a photo of him with long hair, sitting in on a bed with fairy lights around him. Laptop in front of him which was connected to a projector and playing old Disney. I remember that was the night he decided he was going to the best he could do express himself while in the band. I watch his confidence slowly go up after that, and when the band split and he went on his solo tours with suitcases filled with Gucci suits and shoes. He really figured out who he was after all. 

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