sixty one ; the night we met

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(Another song I would sell my soul to hear Harry sing)

It's the start of December, and I can already tell it's going to be a cold winter as the snow picks up and we listen to the wind, blankets over our shoulders and sweaters to keep us warm. The fire crackles softy next to us. Winter is my favorite season just because of days like this, tucked up in bed and making snow angels. When were young, Harry and I would have snowballs fights with the boys, and I can't wait for Delilah to get older and join in. But for now she's in front of us in fluffy pajamas and socks. 

Harry finishes his hot chocolate and puts it in front of him on the floor. 

"I'm cold" He say and pulls his sleeves over his hands. 

"Me too" I tighten the blanket around me and decide to put Delilah to bed. 

But she won't sleep, she screams and cries. I'm getting frustrated because she's usually easy to put to sleep, but I guess she's cold and tired. Harry comes up to her and picks her up out of bed and holds her. Great, he's gone mum mode. 

He's fantastic with her and adores her. He clicked with the baby thing right away, adapting like he was a parent. I know he wants kids of his own one day, so Delilah is a good place to start with learning how to do be a dad..well god-dad. 

I want her to call the boys 'uncle' since I see them as brothers, but something about her calling Harry that doesn't sit right with me, so he'll just be Harry. I can't wait for her to start speaking and to hear a little voice 'harry, help me tie my shoes' or something. 

"I'm trying to calm her down" I sigh but he ignores me and walks back down stairs with her, and when I get down stairs he's sitting at the piano and Lilah is still crying on the couch. He starts playing and I recognize the song immanently, it's one of my favorites for years. But I've never heard Harry sing it. 

(Play The Night We Met by Lord Huron..I'm going to start doing this, just play the song when it says too)

"I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid his debt" Harry sings and Delilah starts to calm down a little at his calming voice "I've been searching for a trail to follow again. Take me back to the night we met"

I sit next to Delilah and pull her onto my lap and listen to Harry with her "And then I can tell myself what the hell i'm supposed too. And then I can tell myself not to ride along with you"

August leans against the wall, and all 3 of us are captivated by Harry's soft voice as he continues "I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met"

Delilah is completely calm now, fascinated by him singing as the snow continues to fall outside, it's supposed to continue all night "I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you. Oh, take me back to the night wet" 

Harry looks at me and I nod my head to keep going, he smiles slightly and understands. "When the night was full of terror and your eyes were filled with tears. When you had no touched me yet. Oh, Take me back to the night we met" 

He's nearly finished the beautiful song, but not only did it calm Lilah, who's nearly asleep in my arms, I felt all the stress leave my body. I can tell Gus is relaxed too, because his posture has changed and his arms are crossed over his chest, quietly listening. 

It's making me think of the night we met..well day. I thought I was just going in there to audition on a stupid TV show.. not make a life long best friend that would turn out to be my soulmate and said soulmate would blow up in a boy band and solo career. 16 year old me had no idea what she was in for but I would not change a thing, because now the boy I met there is singing to my baby. 

"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you. Take me back to the night we met. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you. Take me back to the night we met"

He finishes the song and takes his hands from the piano, turning back to me. Delilah sleeping in my arms and I carefully stand up, passing her to August so he can take her upstairs, I want to talk to Harry. When he goes upstairs I turn back to Harry, he's standing now and pulling the sleeves back down over his hands to keep them warm in the cold air. 

"You fucking amaze me every day" I tell him truthfully and he smiles shyly, kicking his feet.

"Was nothing, just wanted to help her sleep" He shrugs his shoulders and leans on the piano. 

"You should do it more often, she's never fell asleep that fast before" I say and his smiles grows.


The next day we bring Delilah out to the snow, little beanie and gloves. I make a mini snowman in front of her and laugh when she knocks it down. I bend down in front of her and feel a snowball hit me in the ribs, I turn to see Harry giggling, beanie covering his curls and snow covered clothes. 

I grab a handful of snow and throw it at him, hitting him in the belly and leaving snow on his coat. He laughs and brushes it off, bending down to pick up more snow but I run and hide behind August

"Alright, kids" August laughs and then a snowball hits him in the shoulder that was meant for me "Harry you better fucking watch it"

"Or what?" Harry eggs on playfully. 

August bends down and picks up a huge handful of snow, pelting it at Harry but he misses, hitting the car instead and leaving a snow splat on the windscreen. 

"That's your fault" He scoffs and wipes it off. 

"How?" Harry laughs and scoops up more snow. 

"You moved" August says and turns back around, only to be hit in the chest with a snowball from Harry.

"I didn't. You've just got shit aim" Harry laughs.

Soon, a full snow fight takes place and I carry Delilah inside and warm her up in front of the fire, leaving them to muck around like kids. I hear yells and laughing for about 5 minutes before they both come inside, grinning ear to ear. August closes the door, stopping the cold breeze from coming more than it already has. 

There like kids they way they bicker and play. 

Harry takes his gloves off and walks up to us. I reach for his hand and instantly take mine back.

"You're freezing, H" I gasp. His hands are ice cold and he laughs.

He goes to put them on my face and I back away so he tries again

"Don't!" I laugh and he pouts mockingly 

"Don't" he mimics in a high voice, grabbing my forearm with his cold hands

I pull my arm away in shock "Right, fuck you I'm not making drinks"

Winter is my favorite season. 

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