twenty; new beginnings

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Harry sips his coffee and nearly spits it out when I tell him. 

"Another one, Ave?" he says smirking, putting his coffee down on the table and looking up at me, waiting for my witty response to his sarcasm.

 I sit up a little bit and sigh, "Yeah but hear me out." he folds his hands in his lap and leans forward.

 "I'm listening." he says

"His name is August Hill and he very nice" I start to explain, putting my cup next to his on the table, "He is and american, but moved here last year. He travels around the world and paints." 

Harry looks at me, clearly expecting more information, so I continue, "He is really nice and supportive of our friendship, classic surfer dude look, you know, blue eyes and wavy hair... but he is a actually massive art geek." 

"Ave, I'm super happy for you... and if he treats you well than of course I will support it." he says, "but weren't you with Angie only last month? Aren't you moving on too quick?" Shit, what the hell do I say to that. 

"H, that's not important" I say, shaking my head lightly, he raises one eyebrow, 

"why not, Ave?" 

"Because.. well... He is just different" 

We talk a little bit more about him, and at the end of the conversation, Harry seems pleased and with a small smile he asks me when he can meet him. I'm visibly surprised and Harry laughs, he's never asked to meet my partners, he must like the sounds of August. 

"I'm serious, Ave, he sounds like my favorite yet."  

I give him a playful shove, "what do you mean YET!"

A few days go by and Haz is at my place sitting on the floor playing with Diana in the living room. I sit and watch them as Harry dangles the toy above her and laughs when she jumps up for it. My best friends are adorable. My phone rings and I leave the room to answer it. I can feel Harry's eyes follow me curiously, but he doesn't say anything. It's August, and he is on his way. 

Unexpectedly, a wave of anxiety rushes through my body and down to my toes and thoughts flood my brain. What if they don't like each other, what if he isn't as supportive as he said he was, what if-  

"Ave?" Harry's voice cuts off my train of thought and he appears in the door way, leaning on the frame, "Everything OK?" 

I take a deep breath "Yeah I'm good, August is coming up that's all." Harry stands up straight and looks slightly worried. 

"Surely, you would be excited, right?" I sit down on the guest bed and harry follows, sitting next to me 

"Yes and no," I start, "yes, because I want you to meet him and see what a great guy he is, and no because, well, what if it goes the opposite and one or both of you don't like each other?"  

Harry looks at the painting we hung up when I moved in and finally says "Ave, if he treats you how you deserve to be treated and makes you feel genuinely happy, that's all I care about." I smile at his kind words and, almost like it was planned, there is a knock on the door and I look at Harry with surprise, he came quickly. 

"Aren't you gonna introduce your boyfriend to your world famous best friend?" he says, smirking a bit. 

"You're not cocky at all..." I laugh, standing up off the bed and towards the front door. 

Harry sits on the couch next to Diana, who is now asleep, and waits for me to open the door. 

"Hi, August!" I say when I open the door and see him standing there. He takes his converses off and greets me with a quick kiss, and I lead him into the living room, my heart pounding knowing Harry is in there. 

"Hey," he says in his thick american accent, "You must be Harry, I'm August." I take a step back decide to let them introduce themselves. Harry stands up and shakes his hand 

"Nice to meet you, August." 

The night goes on and we decide to have a few drinks, well more than a few, because Harry and August are acting like they have known each for years, arms around each others shoulders, singing throwback songs on the top of their lungs.

This turned out better than I expected, I think as Harry stands ups and stumbles slightly as he walks over to me and whispers, "I really like him, Ave, reckon you should keep this one around." 

Don't worry Harry, I will. 

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