Thirty ; Steal My Girl

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"So, how was the honeymoon?" Harry asks, taking a sip of his drink and placing it back on the table. We had gotten back from our honeymoon a few days ago and Harry had come to our place to celebrate the wedding, again. 

"It was nice" I say, turning to my now husband sitting next to me. "Wasn't it?"

"Is that all you have to say? You went to Paris, the city of love,and it was only "Nice", Surely you have a bigger vocabulary than that Avery Hill" Harry says, raising his eyebrows with a smile. 

I smile at the sound of my new last name, H won't stop using it, I i think he just likes the sound of it or he's trying to get used to it. I can tell he is genuinely happy for me and August. He knows what he means to me and that August is not a replacement. You can't replace soulmates. 

"Yeah it was amazing, we stayed at the top of this beautiful hotel" August begins to answer the question for me unexpectedly "Fantastic view, we traveled around to different cafes and sights, yes the Eiffel Tower, but also I dragged Ave to some art galleries. You know, basic touristy stuff and I took my camera I will show you some of the beautiful shots of Ave i got" 

"See, that's how you give an explanation" Harry says, pointing at August, who sits proudly in his chair. "I'll ask you again, How was Paris?"

"It was really nice" I say, holding in my laugh and Harry raises his eyebrows again and opens his mouth like he is about to speak, but before he can I interrupt "The art galleries were surprisingly interesting, I thought i was going to be bored to death but I really liked Misee dorsey"

"Musee d'Orsay" August corrects me quickly, placing his now finished drink on the table and running his hands back through his wavy brown hair "I don't know how many times I had to correct her on her french" He says to Harry. 

"Not that many times" I say stubbornly, knowing I am wrong. I'm not very good at French and struggled to communicate with people. Luckily, August knew what he was doing and translated for me for the 8 days we were away. "Just because you guys can speak every language under the sun and I struggle with English" 

They both laugh and August says he can only speak English, French and a little Spanish. I look at Harry, who smirks a little. 

"Don't even start Mr. Worldwide" I say, leaning back into my chair and Harry laughs softly. 

I kept H updated, photos of the places we were and things we were doing while we were away. We promised to go another holiday that isn't touring one day, where he can relax instead of performing. He deserves that.  

'How about Italy?" I suggest, as we were brain storming places to go. 

"Maybe" Harry says, tapping his foot on the ground to his own song playing quietly over the speakers.

"Italy sounds nice" August chimes in and then continues to hum 'Watermelon Sugar' to himself. 

Night falls and H decides to stay with us, August doesn't mind, he knows the friendship between Harry and I, that was something I had discussed with him years ago when I decided to tell him about my famous best friend when I realized the relationship was becoming serious. 

It's me and Harry you're getting here, it's a two person deal.  

Hold on, so you're telling me I'm dating the girl who is best friends with Harry Styles? Like from One Direction? 

Well, yes but he has solo music too but anyway, just please understand that I've known him since i was 16 and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon. He's here to stay and I understand if you don't want that kind of life, you know, friends with a celebrity and getting dragged into tabloids and stuff. 

I understand, Ave and any life with you is the life I want.

"Ave!" Harry says, running up the stairs to meet me coming out of the bathroom after a bit of drinking "Gus said he would teach me how to paint if I taught him guitar, isn't that cool? I'm gonna paint you" He says with a smile and playfully poking me in the shoulder. 

"How much of that shit did you drink?" I say, laughing at his sudden excitement. 

"Not that much" He says, faking being offended, but still he leans on the wall and tries to play it off. "How dare you think that" 

"Well, I'm sorry I assumed things" I say, trying to not laugh my ass off. 

"It's okayyy" He wraps his arms around me in a massive bear hug. 

August comes up the stairs to see what's happening and H shuffles around so his back is to August. Gus laughs and tries to get to me but Harry blocks him each time. Eventually he gives up and runs around behind me, hugging me as well. 

"Bit of personal space boys?" I laugh as they gently squish me between them. I put my head on Harry's chest with a smile and August laughs. 

"What you stealing my girl now" He says to Harry, and then thinks for a moment, and sings at the top of his lungs. "EVERY BODY WANNA STEAL MY GIRL" 

"EVERYBODY WANNA TAKE HER HEART AWAY" Harry joins in, rocking us side to side in a group hug. 

"Couple billion in the whole wide world"  We all sing, they let go of me and August puts his arm around Harry's shoulder. "Find another one because she belongs to me" and points to me standing there with my arms crossed shaking my head at them. 

"August you never sing, are you sure you not drunk too?" I ask, smiling. 

"Not as bad as him" August laughs, pointing to Harry, dancing to himself and muttering the "NA NA NA'S" under his breath with one arm still around august, he reaches for me and I take step forward so he can put his other arm around me, pulling us close to him. 

"She knows, She knows, That I've never let her down before" Harry sings, surprisingly well due to his current state of intoxication "She knows, She knows, That I'm never gonna let another take her love from me know" He turns jokingly to August, who shakes his head and removes himself from Harry's hold. 

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" He says, kissing me gently on his way to the bedroom. When he closes the door Harry looks at me beaming. 

"You really love him, don't you?" 

"Yes, now go to bed you're wasted"

"Meh, I'll be fine"

"Famous last words, Harry Styles" I say, taking his arm off me and hugging him goodnight. 

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